idc said:I love the music and after hearing a system that made it sound better than the one I was used to, I wanted my music to sound better.
John Duncan said:So I will probably never end up with a system where I'll say "I'm done", because that's just not me.
Alec said:I'm the opposite. I was looking for my "out" all along.
Alec said:Why do people care so much about anything?
John Duncan said:My relationship with hifi is - like my relationship with alcohol - a complex one.
Firstly, for me it's mostly about music. I listen to music about three hours a day. However, practically all of those three hours are spent on my iPhone and some good headphones on a train; with a wife and three chidren who don't give a **** and a terraced house, I'm lucky spending three hours a month listening to an actual stereo. However, when I get those three hours, I like to do it with the best kit I can.
Now, "the best kit I can" is also a complex subject. I freely admit to being a box swapper. I like "the kit". I like trying stuff out just for the hell of it, upgrading, downgrading, sidegrading, demoing, borrowing, selling, buying, loaning, hoarding. I'm just interested. I like to know about the subject so that I can talk about it. Which means sometimes I have a NaimUniti, and sometimes some kit comes into my hands that mean I need to move it on because it makes sense to play with the new kit for a while so I can grow into it and enjoy it - or not - and talk about it with some degree of authority and blah blah. I also like shiny things. I like stuff that looks cool and I like showing it off and playing it to people who come round who go "ooo". So I will probably never end up with a system where I'll say "I'm done", because that's just not me.
Nogsk said:I love music, a quality hifi enhances my listening experience.
CJSF said:The_Lhc said:Why does that stop you from just picking up a guitar and having a strum though?
"No" would have done...
Cos thats 'strumming' not 'playing'
. . . and as I could not, cant remember the cord fingering, when I say remember, we are talking 30 minutes and its gone! . . . you just dont understand the problems of the condition The_Lhc?
'No' . . . I thought you might have preferred a better understanding in general, as you could not see any correlation . . . obviously I was wrong, sorry to have bored you:?
The_Lhc said:Yes but how do you think anybody else starts?
I'm not aware of any other dyslexics (and I know a few) that have 30 minute short-term memory loss no.
Perhaps my question wasn't clear enough, Chris Golds is quite a big name in the model aircraft world, so I thought you might know him, since you share an interest, that was the only thing I was asking.
CJSF said:Why should I know Chris Gould, the last airplane I designed and flew was in 1995
Thats the end The_Lhc . . . CJSF pulls up the draw bridge, I dont have to justify myself to anyone
CJSF said:The_Lhc said:Yes but how do you think anybody else starts?
I'm not aware of any other dyslexics (and I know a few) that have 30 minute short-term memory loss no.
Perhaps my question wasn't clear enough, Chris Golds is quite a big name in the model aircraft world, so I thought you might know him, since you share an interest, that was the only thing I was asking.
I indicated the word 'remember', then the words 'moving on' comes to mind, because, as I have poor recollection, 'moving on is difficult' . . . To pre-empt your thoughts The_Lhc ???. . . my problems have always been selective, otherwise, how would I have been successful in other areas in my life . . . even I dont understand that one? Perhaps your friends are lucky, dyslexia and associated problems is known to be variable . . . I thought with all your experiance, you would have known that The_Lhc :?
Why should I know Chris Gould, the last airplane I designed and flew was in 1995 the year my wife died, that is another story . . . Thinking back, I find it very hard to remember the names of friends and associates that I flew with in those days. I cant even remember the name of my editor????? or for that fact, the names of the people I worked with up until 6 weeks ago when I retired, all gone:O . . . my editor was a very understanding person, he needed to be with some of the copy I presented him.
Thats the end The_Lhc . . . CJSF pulls up the draw bridge, I dont have to justify myself to anyone, I have my space in gods waiting room. . . I’ll get on with my singular life in my way on my own, as things are working out thats how it seems:wall:
Please don't pull up the draw bridge the world needs you and you contribution to it , don't be controlled by people with less that sensitive hearts that have little empathy or sympathy , please just ignore them .
The_Lhc said:Don't be so defensive all the time.
The_Lhc said:Please don't pull up the draw bridge the world needs you and you contribution to it , don't be controlled by people with less that sensitive hearts that have little empathy or sympathy , please just ignore them .
For the love of dog, I'm not trying to control anyone, I simply asked two questions, why does being dyslexic stop someone from learning an instrument and whether he knew someone who is active in a similar field that CJ used to be. I fail to see how that makes me less sensitive or sympathetic than anyone else. Maybe if people just answered a question as it was asked instead of looking for hidden meanings or insults we might just get somewhere.
Electro said:The_Lhc said:Please don't pull up the draw bridge the world needs you and you contribution to it , don't be controlled by people with less that sensitive hearts that have little empathy or sympathy , please just ignore them .
For the love of dog, I'm not trying to control anyone, I simply asked two questions, why does being dyslexic stop someone from learning an instrument and whether he knew someone who is active in a similar field that CJ used to be. I fail to see how that makes me less sensitive or sympathetic than anyone else. Maybe if people just answered a question as it was asked instead of looking for hidden meanings or insults we might just get somewhere.
If you can't feel someone's pain when you demand an explanation
from them that they don't want to give
I have no wish to fall out with you or anyone else for that matter but when I was reading you questioning of CJSF it felt like I was being stabbed in the heart so I am sure it felt even worse for him .
I know I should keep my nose out of other people business and let them fight their own battles but there is a flaw in my character that compels me to come to others defence even when it is not asked for if I see innocence and vulnerability being attacked , it has got me into trouble many times in my life from both the attacker and the attacked ,but I can live with that .
The_Lhc said:Well, I'm just sorry I bothered to show an interest, rest assured I won't be doing it again.
Alec said:The_Lhc said:Well, I'm just sorry I bothered to show an interest, rest assured I won't be doing it again.
This is a relief. Maybe just do your own research. Google is your friend.