I wonder why British companies are so slow in embracing new technologies, Cyrus stream products should have been in the market 2 years ago, there is still no sign if Roksan is planing to launch similar products. Naim also was very late. Arcam and Rega were also very late in launching DACs.
In the near future I would like to see more one box (DAC, Streaming, Amplification) solutions from premium audio companies which should also do integrations of iTunes Services, 24bit audio support, external storage support, wireless N & gigabit network support, multi-room possibility etc.
Whew! So you'd like an all-singing all-dancing solution from lots of small companies? The problems include (a) designing, testing and manufacturing the product before the parts you specified go obsolete and you run out of R&D money, (b) navigating the regular changes in spec for the computer based parts that customers seem to think are "just FW updates", (c) providing the helpdesk support, as this stuff is well beyond the skill sets of most dealers and (d) managing expectations on price as computer parts get cheaper but integrated products of this complexity can't usually reflect that. Oh and (e) did I mention getting sufficient volume of sales?
And I should know, having been responsible for bringing out the world's first affordable consumer outboard DAC (Arcam Black Box in 1988/9), the world's first consumer DAB tuner (Arcam Alpha 10), the world's second DVD player with HDMI (DV79) and a number of others.
Consumer Electronics in its wider sense is fast becoming a business model only larger companies can support (and even they lose money most of the time - look at DNM or Pioneer's figures for example). So everyone has to try to pick battles they can win.
I hope this adds a touch of realism to the debate. In any case all of us out there in manufacturing thank you for your continued interest and support, even when the going gets rough
John Dawson (Founder and President, Arcam)