Which speaker stands do you think look best?


Well-known member
Jul 14, 2010
I'm condsidering getting a custom built hifi rack and some custom built speaker stands made in the future and I'm after some ideas for the design of the speaker stands.

Which speaker stands do you think look best looking?
I prefer them in, or on, book cabinets but you could look at Quadraspire QX600 if you have modernist tastes.

Build some from IKEA bits ...


CnoEvil said:
Have you decided on the material that the stands are to be made from and do you like a single pillar or multiple columns?

What is the decor of room are you putting them in (modern/sparse/traditional/industrial etc.)?

I'm using a local carpenter to make them who is very talented and I prefer a more traditional look to the sparse/industrial look. I'm going for wood but could probably have a thin metal plate at the top plate for better asthetics if necessary. Both the rack and stands will be rosewood to match the speakers.

I like the idea of a single oval column (narrower for the width and a bit deeper front to back) for the stands with a section cut out of the back for hiding the cables. I'm open to different ideas though and may have the base in rosewood and the column painted matt black to match the sub, DAC and speaker grills for a bit of colour coordinated contrast.

The hifi rack/table thing will have solid sides but be open at the front and back. It will be made to perfectly fit the AVI sub under it with a shelf for the Nakamichi DAC into (which conveniently is exactly the same width as the sub) and a TV on the top.

I like single oval speaker columns but I'm open to other ideas and designs at this stage.
steve_1979 said:
davedotco said:

Thanks for the suggestion. 🙂

But Urgh. Fugly! (IMO)

I have seen and heard an all white (piano laquer) pair with 250mm top plate supporting a pair of Unity Audio 'The Rock' monitors. If I had the space and the money...........*dash1*
Have you decided on the material that the stands are to be made from and do you like a single pillar or multiple columns?

What is the decor of the room that you are putting them in (modern/sparse/traditional/industrial etc.)?

The stand has also to look well with the speakers, which I assume are your AVIs.
My first picks are a bit conservative and not difficult ($) to DIY or custom order. #1 and #2 I hate fancy, modern and wobbly stands that I can't fill with sand or change top plates for different speaker footprints. I like the wooden Sonus Faber stands with marble footing, which gives good stability with no need for adding sand to the pillars.
I personally like a bit of contrast in the Rack/Stands (your speakers will need fine-boned, graceful stands, to look in balance). Here are some ideas:

Edit. I agree with Vlad regarding SF stands.











I like to keep it simple. Something like the Dynaudio Stand 3X would suit me.

Gamut make some nice speaker stands that looke easy (ish) to reproduce.



And this (Vela from Aliante) is a neat way to disguise the ugly scaffolding effect of most speaker stands :

Something like these but with a thicker post would be interesting. I should be able to get the wood to match the speaker pretty closely.
I think most speaker stands are ugly. They are just a necessity in most cases.

Had I got to use wood I probably would design something like an inverted 'S' with the top half smaller to suit the speaker.

Layered birchwood or similar. This would have the added advantage of good dissipation.

Not easy to make though I would imagine.
This reminds me of the 90s when my KLH speakers drivers fell apart because the foam disitegrated. I went off to buy new speakers and stands. The missus said get wood ones, I came back with black metal stands and black B&Ws.
drummerman said:
I think most speaker stands are ugly. They are just a necessity in most cases.

Covenanter said:
They are generally ugly which is why I like my piano white floorstanders. They just sit there elegantly.

I kind of agree.

Small speakers that sit on tall stands really do benefit from having stands made specially for them, e.g. the lovely Sonus fabers pictured above.

But really big three-way standmounts (like these Harbeth SHL5s) can look great on slender open-frame stands.

steve_1979 said:
What are these beauties Cno?

Not sure, as I now can't find them.....I wasn't paying much attention as I thought you were getting them made.

If I come across them again, I'll let you know.


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