Which Speaker Cables?


New member
Aug 10, 2019

Musical Fidelity Nu Vista CD3, Musical Fidelity A5 Integrated Amp, Linn Sondek LP12, Sony TKA 6 ES cassette, Mission 753 Freedoms.

I have only just recently aquired the Musical Fidelity Nu-Vista CD3 and A5 Amp and want to upgrade my speaker cable. I have the Missions bi-wired at present but with what I can't say as there is no manufacturers name on it, all I can say is whilst flat it is made up of very thick copper wires rather like that found in the sort of cable you put in to wire your house lighting circuits sheethed in a thick pinkish opaque plastic about 5 cm wide. It was sold to me by a kosha hi-fi dealer many many moons ago...honest.

I have been considering the QED Genesis Silver Spiral on the reviews i've read but not in its bi-wire form as my budget won't allow at present as the lengths I need are 5 & 2 metres respectively. I could go for the cheaper XT bi-wire but i'm guessing the Genesis is a far superior cable.

So any comments on the QED cable or suggestions on other makes I should consider for the Musical Fidelity Mission combo to really sing? I like all sorts of music from rock to pop blues to jazz and classical to opera. I love to hear vocal clarity and good seperation of instruments but also tight thumping muddy free bass...don't we all?


I'd try Chord Company Carnival Silver Plus Biwire or, if the budget will stretch, Chord Co Odyssey. Yes, I'd definitely stick with biwrining.
Thanks for that Andrew but one last question. How does the Chord cable compare to the Ecosse CS4.2+ or ES4.45? I have read some excellent reviews and wonder if I should consider those too?

Why do you want to upgrade your current cable? Where do you feel it's lacking?

Especially if you've only recently changed the electronics in your system, give yourself a chance to get used to them.

Whatever you do, make sure you test the cables for yourself and don't just go on reviews. Some claim cables make massive differences, others hear nothing at all. And just because it's different... that difference isn't necessarily a positive one. Often a side step!
Hi Paul ,

I'm using an Audio Analogue Puccini SE amplifier and Audio Analogue Paganini cd player with my Mission 753's . Until recently I used Kimber 4VS speakercable , but the result was too warm . When I played Dire Straits , I didn't feel happy , as it lacked dynamics and speed . Now I changed the Kimber cables for the QED Genesis Silver Spiral and I'm happy again . After a burn-in period of approx. 100 hrs , I love hearing Dire Straits over this system . So I can only recommend the QED cables . I guess , the bi-wire version is even better , but I could not stretch my budget for that . Maybe in the future I manage to find a set of second hand cables at a decent price , so I would end up bi-wiring as well.

regards from Belgium

I understand what you're saying Mo but i've had the new set up about three months and whilst it definately has more attack and open mid and top the base seems somewhat woolley. There isn't the snap and tightness I thought I would get.

As for trying out the cables that just isn't possible with the two lengths I require. I know there is no substitue for listening but I guess all equipment has its own traits and I thought as Musical Fidelity and Mission were pretty common, someone would know their particular peculiarities and could advise which selection of cables would be the right partner to get the best out of them.

I use a MF/Mission combo myself. I tried various cables of various values.

My point was that it's easy to be sucked into the marketing surrounding cables. If you hear a difference, then fine. I thought I heard one years ago too. Approaching it again a couple of years ago, I'm now far more scepticle and don't imagine I'd invest anymore in cables than what I currently have.

I'd certainly never splash out without trying before.

I hope the mod's don't mind me suggesting this, but maybe try contacting a guy called zanash over on the zerogain forum.
He's big on DIY, especially cables and should be able to help you out if you want to go that route.

All the best.
[quote user="MO!"]I use a MF/Mission combo myself. I tried various cables of various values.

My point was that it's easy to be sucked into the marketing surrounding cables. If you hear a difference, then fine. I thought I heard one years ago too. Approaching it again a couple of years ago, I'm now far more scepticle and don't imagine I'd invest anymore in cables than what I currently have.

I'd certainly never splash out without trying before.

I hope the mod's don't mind me suggesting this, but maybe try contacting a guy called zanash over on the zerogain forum.
He's big on DIY, especially cables and should be able to help you out if you want to go that route.

All the best.[/quote]

Read it! Most interesting that even skeptics could hear differences; even more interesting is that some skeptical hifi owners refused to accept zanash's offer to listen to the cables for themselves. He offered to send them by post but they refused on the presumption that it couldn't make a audible difference (scientifically speaking)!
[quote user="pompeyexile"]So any comments on the QED cable or suggestions on other makes I should consider for the Musical Fidelity Mission combo to really sing? [/quote]

I have a similar system to you and I am using Rothwell custom cables well worth a look. Other speakers cables you may try is LFD and Cardas.....the latter is well suited to warm sound of Nuvista CD player.
I never heard a day and night different in sound when trying different speakers cables but Rothwell and Cardas open up my eyes, big time!