Where can I find this shop ?


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Hi Guys, I have lost 1 channel from my Cryus III amp on all inputs. Everything is pluged correctly. I've had It repaired/ serviced two years ago by Cyrus and recently repaired by a local man, who since has left town ?? This is a new problem.

I have obtained a service manual which should assist.

Anyone aware of a repair shop in the West Midlands ??

Thanks for any suggestions in advance

I would contact Cyrus again. If the repair is too costly you may be able to pick up another Cyrus amp on ebay for a decent price.

(Or get a new amp)
i used to live in worcester-there's a hi fi repair place there near shrub hill. they repaired a very old creek amp for my dad. its called "hi fi & car audio repair." if you're more towards brum there must be loads of places!
Thanks guys, I live near Brum airport, and will give the worces boys a bell. It would be easy to get to a brum shop, as yet no details.

At Cyrus they only offer a £210 repair, which covers all problems, a little steep. On the replacement front, a cyrus III on E bay for £210 ! or cyrus II with psx for £95. Im sure I read that the II is sonically better than III ?

On a complete amp replacement, not sure which would suit my old system. BW P4 speakers, Marantz CD63 SE. QED Qudos LFI cables, Atlas interconnects.

I would go down the second hand amp route....

Hi All, Still looking for a repair shop willing to under take this. However I have been offered a Cyrus IIIi for £150.....

I'm not sure to go with an unknown Cyrus, In view of my experiances of them or go S'hand with somrthing else!!

What amp's would thou suggest??




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