No offence taken. I have no wounds from the early AVI wars. I just remember those threads.
I 100% agree that some persons really need to just move on, but I suspect that they really still don't trust anyone claiming to be an AVI fan.
The aim of my post was merely to provide context to a lot of what has happened.
I don't support bashing AVI fans, just as I don't support many of the comments still made on AVI forums about non-avi fans.
The final problem for AVI proponents is simply that if you frequently recommend only one brand, people are generally going to find it annoying.
I appreciate all of your posts, particularly on this thread. I am pleased that I haven't caused any offence, I didn't expect to given your considered approach to things.
About some of the things said on AVI about things we see on here. Firstly most of us are AVI owners, though any thoughtful and sensible people are always warmly welcomed, and a lot of what you see is tongue in cheek and only midly rebuking in the scale of what normally appears here. In fact Ashley doesn't like arguments appearing there that originated on here. You will get some points put bluntly but only about things that are statements against scientific facts or theories that have never been successfully argued against. If I were on the other side of the fence, I would rather be called a 'Fooster' than a 'scientifially ignorant bag of wind', but hey that's just me.
The thing about recommending only one brand is that for many of us we currently only own one brand beyond the source. We no longer have the worry and expense of trying to match our pre-amp with the right power=amp with the right speaker cable to go into the speaker. Neither do we have to match any interconnects or search for just the right support or mains cable. Music is king and the enjoyment of it is our joy and we get lots of joy.
Come on in, join up. Without the worry of the above detailed consternations we have time to chat about photography, space, share photos and on and on. Hell we even let people talk about sheds, 1951 Bentleys and old Lenco turntables. I'm sure you will be made welcome, you are more than sensible enough.
It has been a most pleasurable afternoon having a considered and polite conversation with you, Ajani. I trust that it won't be the last.
Kind regards,