stevebrock said:
Love it - carry on fella|!
This is great. A love rekindled.
Even though it's my own collection I keep having moments of "can't remember buying/owning that" and "oh, I've been looking for that for ages, thought it had gone missing".
A fair amount of the LPs were boxed up in a bit of a rush back in March, at short notice, prior to building work. So many vaguely arranged genres/artists/labels got scattered into totally random storage boxes and then located at various places in and around the vicinity of my crumbling house.
Currently playing loads of Major Force/Mo Wax box set. A blizzard of hip-hop, jazz-funk and crazy Japanese DJ grooves. I remember buying it when DJ Shadow's Entroducing went mainstream and massive. A friend suggested it as "further listening". It certainly is. One of those made for vinyl vibes.
Having a break now. Family duties et al to attend to. Will collect more boxes this,afternoon, for more unpacking tonight. My father in law counted 12 more cases with about 50-60 LPs/12 inch singles per box. Then it's just the loft and garage to go.
Ikea here I come, sometime soon!!!