What is this setup?


Well-known member
Nov 26, 2010
Hi, I'm a big fan of Californiction. David Duchovny's character 'Hank' has a pretty awesome looking rig, was hoping someone could take a guess what this lot is?
Well it's an avid turntable on top (dead give away the name on the cover
), and it's a Krell power amp at the bottom - KSA50 maybe?

Not sure about the middle

EDIT: In fact - I've just found Avid HiFi's page about the use of their "Black Volvere" TT in Californication, with requisite David Duchovny pictures, with a thanks to Krell as well for recommending their TT!
From top to bottom in the rack:

Krell SACD Standard - SACD Player

Krell S-1200 - Surround Processor

Krell KAV 3250 - 3 Channel Power Amp

Krell KSA50/100 (Impossible to tell without a close up of that golden plate) - 2 Channel Class A Power Amp

I think 😛. Obviously strange product setup, but look at how the're put in the rack, the power amps are both sitting to one side of the rack, with the KSA50/100 looking like the feet aren't even in the rack! Obviously they didn't care much, just wanted the typical american look.
chebby said:
That lot is probably considered a 'budget' system in the USA.

To buy it all new you'd be looking at about $25000 minus the turntable.

You can get used Krell KSA 50's in the UK for about £1100 nowadays.
Paul Hobbs said:

Just been looking at your photography on Flickr - fine work 🙂

Note that you're Bristol-based; I'm working on a 'student' short-film project that's going to be shot 20-ish miles from Bristol. Do you mind if I send you a brief email to ask your advice (currently on the hunt for a DOP/cameraman)?

Great show.. one of my favourites - great soundtrack too and thankfully they released 3 volumes on CD - just had to have em all!