Do music artists (who obviously love music enough to create it themselves) go home and listen to other artists? Or even themselves? And if they do, do they have a great system? Not necessarily, but that doesn’t negate the capabilities of a good system.
Personally I'd imagine every artist listens to other musicians as they will all have grown up with "influences" that created their interest in music and the artists they like will have a huge influence on what they like / don't like and shape their style which as they try to emulate their musical heroes.
I'm sure every artist would then listen to themselves as they want to hear if it sounds good / bad and if it can be improved.
I don't think they'd want to listen to it on a rubbish system which can make a good recording sound bad and vocals trashy etc., they'd want a realistic reproduction of what most people would find pleasing to hear on a stereo system ... it doesn't mean they need the best system but I don't think any musician would want anything that represents their music in a poor way.
Every bad member will buy a guitar / amp and drum kit or microphone they fell makes them sound better and then tune them accordingly trying to get the best out of their instrument, they become audiophiliac just from their instrument's point of view ... it's a whole different can of worms and why guitarists will have 12 guitars rather than one and drummers 5 kits ... go figure.
My personal take on the 2 though is I fell there's a huge disparity between them and it's part of the reason I started the thread.
I think audiophiles are often that geeky sort of person that like to present themsleves as the offionary and know it all as they feel it makes them seem important and someone who has a "greater" insight to information than their lesser mortals.
If they can present it to other people in what they consider is the right way (but with a slightly descending attitude) it makes them feel superior .... ohhhh ... you only spent £2000 on your cables. There's also some that just want to try and demonstrate how much money they have.
Don't get me wrong with that last comment, if I won the lottery I'd go / sound test the best systems out there but I'd never take that ..... it'll sound awful if you don't have ........ with someone who hadn't won the lottery and there's no way with a £100m win I'd send £20k on cables.
A musician will become obsessed with the sound of their instrument but it's very introverted, they don't tend to tell people how much it cost, but they'll tell you what they've done to try and improve it's sound.
This is probably slightly misdirected as well as unless you have an instrument that sounds truly awful, the reality is it's probably more down to the sound engineer on the day and a great drummer can make dustbin lids sound great