The hobby has been subverted by subjectivist con artists. An amplifier and speaker combination may sound different, but it has been taken to a farcical extreme.
Peter Baxandall and audio engineer and electronics engineer sums up the scenario quite succinctly in the final section of his paper :
Wireless World, November 1977. 63. Audible amplifier distortion is not a mystery Some things are believed because people feel as if they m ust be true, and in such cases an immense weight of evidence is necessary to dispel the belief. BERTRAND RUSSELL. by Peter J. Baxandall, B.Sc.(Eng.)...
The hifi magazines and certain marketing from specific manufacturers from the late 1970's encouraged the subjective aspects, where we have all manner of exotic magic thinking abilities of mundane things such as cables.
It is exemplified by such things as isolation pads, grounding boxes, audio network switches, special fuses, and other audio additions.
The gullibility and ignorance of so many people has been utilised such that the reality of physics and engineering is readily scorned upon by people who think they are immune to expectation bias or the placebo effect. It is also encouraged by people on forums who have a vested interest in such magic thinking too.
The term audiophile does garner some ridicule, and in many respects it is deserved. I do wonder if the hobby in its current from will survive when younger people are not that bothered about hifi.