What does the Artist think?


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Aug 22, 2008
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I'm having a major Ozric Tentacles session tonight and it's got me thinking about the sort of hi-fi that the artists might have at home to assess/enjoy their work once it's been been finished in the studio; could this be a magazine feature?

Currently listening to: Ozric Tentacles - Strangeitude

Frank Harvey

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Jun 27, 2008
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Gusboll said:
I'm having a major Ozric Tentacles session tonight and it's got me thinking about the sort of hi-fi that the artists might have at home to assess/enjoy their work once it's been been finished in the studio; could this be a magazine feature?

I'm guessing many of them don't. Many of them are probably like some actors who never watch their own films. Why would they care what the end result sounds like? There are people who take care of how the album is mixed and presented to the public...


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Mar 30, 2011
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I have always wondered if artists and musicians care about the sound quality of their recordings and have often fantasized about how a musician would react to listening to a recording of their music on my system , ( yes I am an INFP :) )

I think some artists do care about sound quality , I watched a documentary about Michael Jackson recently and he was ultra fussy about the sound of his recordings and would do them over and over until he was 100% happy .

It seems there are some other artists that do care and have decent HiFi systems too .



I suspect there are many more audiophile musicians than people would imagine but they are just reluctant to talk about it :shifty:

Yes I think your idea would make a very interesting magazine article :)


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Mar 30, 2011
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I have always wondered if artists and musicians care about the sound quality of their recordings and have often fantasized about how a musician would react to listening to a recording of their music on my system .

I think some artists do care about sound quality , I watched a documentary about Michael Jackson recently and he was ultra fussy about the sound of his recordings and would do them over and over until he was 100% happy .

It seems there are some other artists that do care and have decent HiFi systems too .


I suspect there are many more audiophile musicians than people would imagine but they are just reluctant to talk about it :shifty:


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Mar 3, 2010
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Electro said:
I...often fantasized about how a musician would react to listening to a recording of their music on my system .
Blimey your fantasies are tame compared to mine. My fantasies usually involve me and Drew Barrymore naked in a huge vat of strawberry jelly, and all you want is some musician to listen to their CD on your HiFi. One of us needs counseling. :oops:


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Mar 30, 2011
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MajorFubar said:
Electro said:
I...often fantasized about how a musician would react to listening to a recording of their music on my system .
Blimey your fantasies are tame compared to mine. My fantasies usually involve me and Drew Barrymore naked in a huge vat of strawberry jelly, and all you want is some musician to listen to their CD on your HiFi. One of us needs counseling. :oops:

I do have other fantasies that would probably be considered to be more mainstream :quest: but I doubt that the moderators would allow me to post them here :O ;)


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Feb 8, 2008
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MajorFubar said:
Electro said:
I...often fantasized about how a musician would react to listening to a recording of their music on my system .
Blimey your fantasies are tame compared to mine. My fantasies usually involve me and Drew Barrymore naked in a huge vat of strawberry jelly, and all you want is some musician to listen to their CD on your HiFi. One of us needs counseling. :oops:


Strawberry? :p


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Jul 14, 2010
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MajorFubar said:
Electro said:
I...often fantasized about how a musician would react to listening to a recording of their music on my system .
Blimey your fantasies are tame compared to mine. My fantasies usually involve me and Drew Barrymore naked in a huge vat of strawberry jelly, and all you want is some musician to listen to their CD on your HiFi. One of us needs counseling. :oops:

Well your fantasies are pretty tame compared to mine.

My fantasy involves a jug of gravy and Susan Boyle wearing nothing but a pair of wellies and a shower cap. :shifty:


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Mar 30, 2011
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steve_1979 said:
MajorFubar said:
Electro said:
I...often fantasized about how a musician would react to listening to a recording of their music on my system .
Blimey your fantasies are tame compared to mine. My fantasies usually involve me and Drew Barrymore naked in a huge vat of strawberry jelly, and all you want is some musician to listen to their CD on your HiFi. One of us needs counseling. :oops:

Well your fantasies are pretty tame compared to mine.

My fantasy involves a jug of gravy and Susan Boyle wearing nothing but a pair of wellies and a shower cap. :shifty:

Blimey :O , and I thought I had problems :rofl:


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Dec 24, 2008
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steve_1979 said:
MajorFubar said:
Electro said:
I...often fantasized about how a musician would react to listening to a recording of their music on my system .
Blimey your fantasies are tame compared to mine. My fantasies usually involve me and Drew Barrymore naked in a huge vat of strawberry jelly, and all you want is some musician to listen to their CD on your HiFi. One of us needs counseling. :oops:

Well your fantasies are pretty tame compared to mine.

My fantasy involves a jug of gravy and Susan Boyle wearing nothing but a pair of wellies and a shower cap. :shifty:

can a mod please lock this thread ASAP before any more twisted fantasies come out and ruin my day lol


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Aug 22, 2008
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FrankHarveyHiFi said:
Gusboll said:
I'm having a major Ozric Tentacles session tonight and it's got me thinking about the sort of hi-fi that the artists might have at home to assess/enjoy their work once it's been been finished in the studio; could this be a magazine feature?

I'm guessing many of them don't. Many of them are probably like some actors who never watch their own films. Why would they care what the end result sounds like? There are people who take care of how the album is mixed and presented to the public...

I understand that to an extent; I have some (very limited) recording experience within the family but even so; I wonder what for instance, recording perfectionists like Steeley Dan, Pink Floyd, Mike Oldfield etc etc, listen to music on? They and thousands of others make the stuff that we listen to after all.

Currently listening to: The Soft Pack


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Oct 8, 2010
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I expect that 95% of recording artists don't actually have enough money to afford a hi-fi, and are too busy making music to listen to any as a hobby.

(Just in case they then unwittingly rip it off in their own music:)


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Nov 21, 2010
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steve_1979 said:
MajorFubar said:
Electro said:
I...often fantasized about how a musician would react to listening to a recording of their music on my system .
Blimey your fantasies are tame compared to mine. My fantasies usually involve me and Drew Barrymore naked in a huge vat of strawberry jelly, and all you want is some musician to listen to their CD on your HiFi. One of us needs counseling. :oops:

Well your fantasies are pretty tame compared to mine.

My fantasy involves a jug of gravy and Susan Boyle wearing nothing but a pair of wellies and a shower cap. :shifty:

Would that be at the #susanalbumparty ?


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Mar 3, 2010
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steve_1979 said:
MajorFubar said:
Electro said:
I...often fantasized about how a musician would react to listening to a recording of their music on my system .
Blimey your fantasies are tame compared to mine. My fantasies usually involve me and Drew Barrymore naked in a huge vat of strawberry jelly, and all you want is some musician to listen to their CD on your HiFi. One of us needs counseling. :oops:

Well your fantasies are pretty tame compared to mine.

My fantasy involves a jug of gravy and Susan Boyle wearing nothing but a pair of wellies and a shower cap. :shifty:

No counselor can help you, man. :O


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