Three very good speakers. Three different presentations:
Dali Epicon 6
"Straight from the get-go, on the first and every subsequent track, the effect of the dual-tweeter module on the performance is clear. There’s no passive listening here – the Epicon 6 is an overt and open speaker, a magnificent detail retriever and resolution acquirer which demands attention, and attention it gets! The tweeters their fine nuances up in the extended areas of air and ambience where room/recording venue reverberation is rendered staggeringly realistically. This trait is also demonstrated in the speakers’ power to separate instrumental lines. Within the context of our system and room the Epicon 6 was a scalpel at its sharpest in slicing through complex material with the cleanest of cuts. And that also translated to very fast transient attacks and a revelation in micro-detail. Seldom have I heard with such clarity the finest of minutiae from the subtlest of recordings and most delicate musicianship."
Kef Reference 3
"They shone as truly outstanding transducers, excelling in some of the most important aspects of music reproduction such as Dynamic Extension, Bass Power, Soundfield Reproduction and Tonal Accuracy....High frequencies are a model of refinement and subtlety. Some Audiophiles may prefer a more overt, more forward treble, But this reviewer found the high frequencies were spectacularly delicate, natural and rich in timbal textures."
Harbeth Monitor 40.2
"Inasmuch as I gave away the punch line at the outset, let me finish by saying that if I were asked to recommend a loudspeaker to someone who loves a really wide variety of music and wants it reproduced accurately, naturally, and beautifully such that he or she truly can listen for hours without fatigue, my recommendation in the here and now would unhesitatingly be the Monitor 40.2. As the review period has lasted several months, during which time I’ve had to evaluate several other components, I’ve also come to appreciate the Harbeth’s value as a tool for reviewing equipment and recordings. This is one speaker that really will tell you the truth about any source or any components feeding it."
All these speakers have a wide frequency range and dig up prodigious amounts of detail...but will sound very different...with the Harbeths being the most relaxing, the Dali being the least relaxing and with the Refs somewhere in between.