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David Bowie - A Reality Tour
Pleasantly surprised by all 3 BDs I rented from Blockbuster on Tuesday, and yes, it did coincide with a visit to Dominoes next door.

Tuesday night watched 'Buried'. It is a good film, but my god it's bleak. Not one to watch if you're in any kind of depressive/melancholic mood. I wasn't sure how they could sustain interest through 90 minutes of one guy trapped in a box, but they did, and the end really sets the pulse racing.

Wednesday night was '22 Bullets', a French film with Jean Reno as a retired mob boss who gets ambushed & shot (I wonder if you can guess how many times
), but survives. Pretty standard revenge thriller in plot, but executed well...... Unlike Reno's character.

Last night was 'Takers'. Enjoyable heist movie in the same vein as 'Heat', but without that movie's finesse, preferring to trade on explosions and gunshots (not necessarily a bad thing IMO). And as an added bonus it had the totally drool-worthy Zoe Saldana in it too...... You'll get no complaints from me.
Brandon: Told you 'Devil' was good!

I've been watching:

Burn Notice - Season One.

I've only just discovered this series. It's one of those rare series that had me hooked within the first five minutes of the first episode. It drips cool. It's got it all: a cool lead character, a sexy female lead (Gabrielle Anwar), a sidekick (Bruce 'Evil Dead' Campbell) great action scenes and plenty of comedic moments. It's abouut a spy who gets blacklisted by his employers. His life gets taken away from him. While he's trying to find out who put the 'Burn Notice' on him, he has to take on private jobs for cash.

It really reminds me of some classic 80's series: it's a bit 'A-Team', a bit 'Magnum P.I' and a bit 'Rockford Files'.

I really recommend it.

I've also been watching:

I spit on your grave

I didn't think this remake would choose to mimic the prolonged rape scenes of the original, but it did and it makes for very uncomfortable viewing. It does make you root for the girl, when she takes her revenge, though. One of the better Exploitation flick re-makes.

The Reef

An Australian Shark flick. It starts off well enough, fleshing out the likeable characters enough that I felt an anxiety about what was going to happen to them once they got ship-wrecked. But, strangely, once that happens and the first attack happens, all the tension seemed to go and I found myself getting bored. After the second person got eaten, I was rooting for the shark to hurry up and finish 'em all off, so I could turn the bloody film off.

Life as we know it

A predictable, but enjoyable sort-of rom-com. There's one really out of place dark thing that happens, near the start, that blind-sided me and had me going 'eh? what?!!!' for a couple of minutes. I won't say what it is, you'll know when you see it!
plastic penguin:

Andrew Everard:


this was the kamode and mayo thing.it started after percy jackson came out last year as a joke and some aussie guy ran with it.i think it cost about £4000 to make.

was it any good?

Brandon: Told you 'Devil' was good!

yeah cheers bretty it was really good.its very hard to say what i liked about it with out giving it away,so i will leave it at that

not much out again this week but i will make a trip down to best buy or blokbusters and get somthing(i will have a look at some trailers on line first see what looks good.

leigon maybe
Paranormal Activity 2

I'd heard that loads of people walked out of the cinema after the first half hour, while watching this film. Shame, they should have stuck it out. The first half hour IS slow, but picks up after that. What I applaud the makers of this sequel for is their restraint. So many sequels just throw everything at the screen that a bigger budget will allow. Not here. Although the budget is bigger, the film has stayed true to the feel of the first. Also, they've written a script that includes the two characters from the first film and explains the cause of what happens to them in that film.

It's not as tense as the first film, but then we know what to expect this time round. Even so, I think it's still a success.
Brandon: Told you 'Devil' was good!

leigon maybe

'Legion' is pretty good. Bettany is good in it. It reminds me of the brilliant Chris Walken / Eric Stoltz flick 'The Prophecy', from the 90's.

Paranormal Activity 2

I'd heard that loads of people walked out of the cinema after the first half hour, while watching this film. Shame, they should have stuck it out. The first half hour IS slow, but picks up after that. What I applaud the makers of this sequel for is their restraint. So many sequels just throw everything at the screen that a bigger budget will allow. Not here. Although the budget is bigger, the film has stayed true to the feel of the first. Also, they've written a script that includes the two characters from the first film and explains the cause of what happens to them in that film.

It's not as tense as the first film, but then we know what to expect this time round. Even so, I think it's still a success.

I'm not going to bother after the yawn fest that was the first one. Jeez what a rubbish film! Tense wasn't a film to decrible it. Bambi was waaay scarier. If you want to see a film to chill you, The Fourth Kind was much much better.

Paranormal Activity 2

I'd heard that loads of people walked out of the cinema after the first half hour, while watching this film. Shame, they should have stuck it out. The first half hour IS slow, but picks up after that. What I applaud the makers of this sequel for is their restraint. So many sequels just throw everything at the screen that a bigger budget will allow. Not here. Although the budget is bigger, the film has stayed true to the feel of the first. Also, they've written a script that includes the two characters from the first film and explains the cause of what happens to them in that film.

It's not as tense as the first film, but then we know what to expect this time round. Even so, I think it's still a success.

I'm not going to bother after the yawn fest that was the first one. Jeez what a rubbish film! Tense wasn't a film to decrible it. Bambi was waaay scarier. If you want to see a film to chill you, The Fourth Kind was much much better.

Horses for courses and all that. I didn't find 'The Fourth kind' scary at all. I've pretty much been in the 'I liked it' camp for most of the big 'marmite' horror/pyschological thriller films of the last 15 years: 'Paranormal activity', 'Open Water' and 'The Blair Witch Project'. I'd guess that you didn't like either of the other two films I mentioned either, right?
The Fighter

Well, this split my household down the middle. I loved it. My bird slept through it, even though she loves Wahlberg. Bale is seriously amazing in this film. He's a chameleon of an actor, really gifted (and I say that even though I saw his performance in 'Rescue Dawn'. Hey, we're all allowed off days!). To even imagine that this is the same guy that plays Batman, while you watch him in this, is impossible. I'm not surprised he's been nominated for an Oscar for the role. I think the only weak point was Wahlberg's boxing. It's a bit stiff and slappy. I'd imagine it'd have pro boxers moaning. But, that's a small quibble. It's a great film.


A really good, old school, man-wronged-and-out-for-revenge, actioner.
I think it is a good rule never to watch a film starring anyone called Billy Bob.


A really good, old school, man-wronged-and-out-for-revenge, actioner.

I think it is a good rule never to watch a film starring anyone called Billy Bob.

That's a shame, 'cos that means you've missed some great films like 'A Simple Plan' and 'U turn'. But, on the other side of the coin, you've avoided tat like 'Armageddon', so maybe it evens itself out
Psych 9.

A horror that gets off to a fairly strong start, but after the first fifteen minutes, it completely comes off the rails. The main character changes from a normal girl to full out rocking-in-her-chair, scrawling-stuff-on-the-walls nutbag in the space of five minutes. She has some scars on her back, that we see early on, which hints at some earlier trauma (physical and possibly pychological) but her unravelling was far too quick.

Also, the acting in some scenes is attrocious. A scene between the main character and her husband was so bad, that it was like watching a couple of pretentious stage school students ham it up. It was supposed to be dramatic, but I was laughing right through it.


Due Date.

Funny stuff. It's got an obnoxious little kid being punched in the gut by Downey Jr and a masturbating French Bulldog. Say no more.


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