Had some evenings to myself over the last month or so, been catching up:
Star Trek: Into Darkness: I enjoyed it, not sure what everyone was moaning about, enjoyable, great picture quality (love that lens flare!).
Source Code: Great film, tight performances, really efficient story telling, "interesting" physics (for certain values of interesting), entertaining 90 minutes.
Kick-Ass: Hmm, I should have loved this, I didn't. I liked it, sure but I was expecting it to be a lot more "me" than it was. Slightly perturbed, morally, at watching a fully grown man repeatedly punching an 11 year old girl in the face (even if she is Hit-Girl and in what universe does that not break her jaw in several places?). American's still can't deliver the c-bomb properly (see American Beauty). Won't bother with the sequel.
Looper: Really surprised me, I expected a lot less to be honest, with more dumb action, got a far more thoughtful and at times, disturbing, film than that. Nice to see Bruce Willis crying for a role, slighty put off by Joseph Gordon Levitt's peculiarly plastic looking face though, still haven't worked out if he was wearing prosthetics to make him look more like Bruce. If not, yeek...
Attack The Block: Fantastic! 88 minutes of tight, taut, fun, simple premise, well directed, great acting (with a couple of little gems in Probs and Mayhem), great effects on what was clearly a pretty small budget, I can well see why Joe Cornish has been linked with the next Star Trek film.