Went and Saw Alice in Wonderland in 3D `This Afternoon


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Movie - total waste of celluloid. So much CGI I wonder why they bothered using any real actors at all. Plot resembled the book about as far as the end of the title went, then departed at 90 degrees.

Anyway, that's not the point.

The 3D effects were impressive, I would even go as far as to say they were whelming (not overwhelming, just whelming) in their effect. However, I found the whole thing gimmicky and the movie used to demonstrate the gimmick rather than to add anything to the movie. I would put it as far as to say the screenplay and cinematography (sp) were designed to show off the 3D, rather than the 3D being used to enhance the movie. Moreover, the 3D often seemed forced rather than natural, being too3D in its effect.

If this is what we can expect from 3D movies, and thus the 3D content of our 3DTV, I'll be happy with good old 2D. Sorry and all that, but that's my opinion and I'll have to be pushed hard to change my mind in the foreseeable.
Darren Heal:Movie - total waste of celluloid. So much CGI I wonder why they bothered using any real actors at all.

Can I give you a piece of advice? Don't go and see the new Tron movie...

Plot resembled the book about as far as the end of the title went, then departed at 90 degrees.

Anyway, that's not the point.

Correct, given that Burton has never claimed to be making either of the books, the film is intended to be a follow up to the books, which should be fairly obvious, given that it's shown on screen that she'd been there before as a small child.

Can I give you a piece of advice? Don't go and see the new Tron movie...

Message received and understood

Last year had to take the 11 yo stepson to see the GI Joe movie, fairly late showing after dinner at somewhere equally ghastly. Nipped outside for a cough and a drag and the cinema locked the doors behind me, leaving me outside in the cold.

Best luck I had during the whole of 2009.
Darren Heal:the_lhc:Can I give you a piece of advice? Don't go and see the new Tron movie...
Message received and understood

Errr, never mind...

Last year had to take the 11 yo stepson to see the GI Joe movie, fairly late showing after dinner at somewhere equally ghastly. Nipped outside for a cough and a drag and the cinema locked the doors behind me, leaving me outside in the cold.

Best luck I had during the whole of 2009.

Yes I was just about to congratulate you on that one! Maybe smoking does have its advantages after all...
Did I mention I once got thrown out of a cinema in Houston for snoring too loudly?
Darren Heal:Did I mention I once got thrown out of a cinema in Houston for snoring too loudly?

That seems a little harsh in the US, everyone I know who's been to the cinema in the States says it's a nightmare of people on their phones, talking loudly in general or just shouting "YOU DA MAN!!!" or something...


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