Warranty issue with Sony 46W5500


New member
Aug 31, 2010
Hi folks,

My brother bought a Sony 46W5500 LCD in August 09. The HDMI board went in it last year and was replaced under the warranty. I'm almost 100% sure that at the time of purchase there was a 3 year warranty on the Sony Tvs. He also bought a 32W5500 at the same time. Anyway it looks like the HDMI board is gone again. As same symptoms - no picture on any hdmi connection. I contacted the shop and they are questioning the 3 year warranty saying they have no record of it. Can anyone offer any advice? He has the original receipt etc

It doesn't matter if it had a 3 year warranty or not. Sale of Goods Act & EU Law both protect you as it's less than 2 years old. Contact the retailer from where you bought your TV, not the manufacturer.
well im based in dublin but the tv was bought in belfast, all good though.. the shop got back to me to say it would be repaired free of charge.. strange that the same thing would happen twice.. if its the same fault.. wonder what might be causing it? he has it plugged in via a surge protector

bigboss said:
It doesn't matter if it had a 3 year warranty or not. Sale of Goods Act & EU Law both protect you as it's less than 2 years old. Contact the retailer from where you bought your TV, not the manufacturer.
Just out of interest,who do you contact if the retailer goes out of business,and the telly packs up in the first year?
In the UK ,if you had the good sense to purchase with a credit card, you can chase the credit card company as they are jointly liable.
micks_address said:
well im based in dublin but the tv was bought in belfast, all good though.. the shop got back to me to say it would be repaired free of charge.. strange that the same thing would happen twice.. if its the same fault.. wonder what might be causing it? he has it plugged in via a surge protector

It may be that the surge protector is whats actually causing the issue (Starving the tv of power). Im not saying it is, just that its a possibility
well the tv came back yesterday.. repair said they did software update and that fixed it.. trouble is it didnt! still no picture on HDMI... major poor form.. cant believe they would have taken the tv a couple of hundred miles for repair and not bothered plugging something into the hdmi connections to see if they were working?

ah well back onto the shop this morning at 10..
Hi folks,

Shop are talking about a replacement tv now, as they have a 3 strikes rule against repairs.. if it has to go back a 3rd time they give a replacement. The sales guy has to talk to the owner though as they dont have a comparable Sony in stock.. what qould the equivalent to the 46W5500 be? It was close enough to flagship at the time.. i think top of the line might have been a X5500... I've changed from Sony to Panasonic in the meatime.. so if they offered a Panasonic.. i was thinking maybe a 46GT30 at a push? probably a 46G30..


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