CnoEvil said:"Better" is down to personal preference. Some people like the music to have "bite" and not have the edge taken off it. Others prefer a smoother more refined sound, so there is no "one size fits all", I'm afraid.anonymous said:with dark do that mean the music is better for rock and tecno hip pop and these kinds?
At one end of the scale you have Valve Amps like Jadis and Unison Research, which give a gloriously harmonious sound, with a warmer Bass. At the other, you have the likes of Chord and Bryston, which are very clean and neutral, with a vice-like grip on the Bass...and give a warts and all presentation.
Speaker wise, at one end you have Harbeth/Spendor Classic/Sonus Faber; at the other, Focal/Triangle/ATC.
thank you really much for the information!
i hear only today that name Bryston i never heard before here in scandinavia the are not lot of them they that i can buy are to expensive for me but hey hey good to know information is always good and other people my buy it *i-m_so_happy* i like also the form Harbeth is built
ps. is sad at least for me that Marantz are in the way to have dac built inside all their amplifier when i prefer a analog amps (i guess that is gone soon since they had not made analogue amps since 2015 and looks they dont plan to?) *crazy*