Hi Inter-Voice,
Thanks for sharing your experience.
I went back to the shops to have a (3rd or 4th ?) audition of the SA 1 and Rx1. You'd guess by now they'd recognize my face
I listened first to the A5 then the SA1. Good performance from the A5 (nice bass) but the sound of the SA1 somehow appealed more to me, albeit at a loss of bass weight but good definition of what's there. The shop used a 30W Class A Sudgen integrated and CD player. Wonder if Class A would make a world of difference compared to my Class D .....
Next I auditioned the RX1 with the China made int. amp (hybrid valve) & CD. I can hear that the quantity of the bass is definitely more, treble was ok but the sound was quite different from the SA1. Like you said they are in a different league altogether.
I then ventured to a 2nd listen (hosted by a very friendly elderly gentlemen) to the PMC Db1i driven by Bryston equipment. Found the sound nice but was too bright for my liking in the long run.
Finally, I had my first listen to the ProAc Tabletts Anniversary - sounds nice but like the SA1 not much bass weight. They are more pricey than the SA1 or the DB1i.
With vocals the SA1s are more to my cup of tea. I thought they did pretty well with the Fourplay tracks as well !