maxflinn:it was sold for e1700 in febuary but the buyer hasnt picked it up yet
That's incredibly cheap - my 5090 cost me over £2,000 back in November last year when there were still only a few in stock around. ?1,700 for a 6090 in February, when virtually all stock had dried up - are you sure it was brand new and not refurbished?
it was on display in a shop here in waterford , d.i.d electrical , whom i regularly buy stuff off , including my current tv , its original retail price was e8000
when it went on display in 2009 sometime , that price tumbled to around e4500 by xmas , but it still didnt sell ..
the salesman whom i know , rang me in febuary to tell me they wanted rid of it , for e2000 , but i told him i didnt have the money , he rang me back 5 minutes later saying i could have it for e1500
, but it had to go by friday of that week , that was a tuesday morning i think ..
i went out to look at it , it was mint as you would expect , with stand and speakers , and a "make me an offer" placard above it , i couldnt get the money and by friday it had sold for e1700 , but it was never collected , the buyer whom coincidently is someone i know well (but dont get on with , its a long story) , is building a new house (its like southfork ranch actually) , and had nowhere to keep it so its lying in the shop somewhere since..
whilst talking to the salesman this week re. a new tv , he mentioned that the kuro i so badly wanted was still there , and that his boss wanted it out of the store , as even though it was sold , payed for etc it was still showing on the system as old stock , at e8000
because it was in the building..
so i offered e2000 , hoping they might renege on their original deal
, knowing they wanted rid , but they contacted the guy who now has commited to taking it next week
. what a price though , i reckon you could still get north of £3500 on ebay , but hey , thats life ..