volume control


Well-known member
Dec 2, 2008
Two questions here, chaps. Well, one question, one request for opinions. I spoke with Stanley Beresford re buying a TC-7510. He tells me that the 7510 is now only available from the Netherlands and costs 150 euros + 25 euros delivery. This equates to around 156 quid. The 7520 is going for 169 pounds. So, this is a bit of no brainer, isn't it? I'd be stupid not to get the 7520, wouldn't I?

When listening to Spotify through either of the above DACs, I'll have three volume controls: One on Spotify, one on the laptop and a third on the Beresford. How should the different volumes be set in order to get the best sound quality? Will the laptop volume control be bypassed when the DAC is connected? I seem to remember PJPro mentioning something about bypassing a laptop's soundcard.
I'm assuming you're using the Beresford as either Headphone amp or pre-amp,as it's volume control has no effect if using it's line out's to connect to a stereo intergrated amp.

I would set Spotify volume to full,laptop master volume to full and use the Beresfords volume control.

With the minimal difference in cost,yes the TC-7520 is a no brainer.

As for by-passing the souncard,this is true of usb connection from laptop to DAC.But not so sure that's the case for optical/co-axial connection's,think you're just by-passing the soundcards inbuilt DAC when using those.


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