Gazzip said:Electro said:Gazzip said:Electro said:Gazzip said:Electro said:Have you bought a pair of these beauties .
Or maybe even these ! *man_in_love*
It's the latter subject to the deal stacking up. Will find out tomorrow...
I have my fingers crossed for you *smile*
A pair those Active ib2s - xbd's would be on my shopping list if I ever felt the need to upgrade.
Deal fell through, which is a bit of a pisser. However, every cloud has a silver lining...
I have a little project gaining momentum which involves me activating a pair of PMC MB2SE's! Or causing irreparable damage to a pair of MB2SE's. We shall see which way it goes...
That sounds very interesting indeed, will you be using Bryston amps and crossovers or something more bespoke .
The thought of a pair of MBSSE's going up in smoke sends shivers down my spine .*shok*
All Bryston is my proposed route. I am selling most of my system to fund this. I will be left with the MB2SE's (collecting tommoz), a pair of Bryston 7B3's (ordered), my Innuos Zen server/streamer and my PS Audio DAC. The other required pair of Bryston 3B3's and the active x-overs are gonna have to wait until I have sold my kdneys...
This is one thread holding the interest of hifi together on this forum imo.
I cant wait until you do a review.
Do those speakers not have a passive crossover inbuilt?
Just want to know if they can work passive for now and you will convert them to active later. More info please.
Also why did you not just go for a straight active pair from the get go?