Upscaling OVER hdmi?


Well-known member
Jul 27, 2007
Good afternoon ladies and gents.

I was in Superfi yesterday looking at AV receivers and explained to the nice chap that I was looking for an amp with HDMI Upscaling to send my Foxsat thro to improve the SD image and that in my price range, the only option I was aware of was the Onkyo 876. The Foxsat of course having an hdmi output.

He informed me that I need to be careful regarding the wording between Upconversion and Upscaling and that many amps upscale over HDMI (he pointed to the Onkyo 607 he had been using for a demo). I explained that this wasn't to my understanding and the I understood a lot of amps could take an analogue signal and upconvert it to hdmi and then output it, but that it wouldn't be scaled. He informed me that the hdmi output would output 1080p if told to do so. I'm not convinced he knew what he was on about, but before I sound like a complete pratt, I just wanted to ask people in the know. He went on the say that the scaling in the 876 isn't brilliant anyway and the new models will be using a more professional scaler. Hmmmmm. I didn't end up making a purchase.
To quote the Onkyo site: HDMI Video Upscaling to 1080i from Component Video and Composite Video Inputs.

I may well be wrong (it has been known - ha!) but that appears to say it will take a component or composite input, upscale it to 1080i and output it via HDMI.

There is no mention of say inputting a 576i signal via hdmi (say from the Foxsat) and upscaling it in the recevier to 1080i/p and then outputting it?

I also seem to recall a thread where members listed receivers that upscale and hdmi input up to 1080p and there was only a few listed?

Don't wish to sound so sure of myself nads, I know you post a lot on here and talk a lot of sense - just want to make sure, that's all! 🙂
you are correct on the 607 there is NO upscaling on the HDMI input.

but say the 806 will as with the 706,

look at the manuals on the last pages. Video Resolution Chart 😉
nads:upconvert. take any analouge input and out put via HDMI.

Or indeed take composite and output it as S-video or component, or take in S-vid and output it as component.
You may well be right there nads! At least this means I won't have to spend 876 money to hopefully improve the SD pic from the FoxSat! Thanks for your input fella!
Andrew Everard:
nads:upconvert. take any analouge input and out put via HDMI.

Or indeed take composite and output it as S-video or component, or take in S-vid and output it as component.

true but as the OP was not asking..

Yes, but didn't want anyone to think that upconversion only exists when it's to an HDMI output. Upconversion doesn't have to involve ADC.


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