Upgrading my old Marantz MCR603


Well-known member
Sep 19, 2012
As per the title. I've had my old Marantz MCR 603 since new and I've inherited a pair of Totem Dreamcatcher speakers. Whilst the sound is ok, I can't help but feel I'm missing out on something by running the totems with my old MCR. Is there a modern equivalent that will run the totems better? Budget is max £1000 and happy to go 2nd hand.
As per the title. I've had my old Marantz MCR 603 since new and I've inherited a pair of Totem Dreamcatcher speakers. Whilst the sound is ok, I can't help but feel I'm missing out on something by running the totems with my old MCR. Is there a modern equivalent that will run the totems better? Budget is max £1000 and happy to go 2nd hand.
I have never listened to the MCR603, but by reputation they are very good. New isn't alway better, and £1,000 of today's money isn't going to be a class above what you have, unless as you say, you go second hand.

All you can realistically do is listen. If you buy new you may be amble to borrow a demo model, or buy from somewhere with a return policy. If you go second hand, if you get for a reasonable price you can always sell on if needed.
Obviously going for a more recent model like the M-CR 612 would give you all the features you already have......
Exactly what features do you use and require in the new device??
Some options no longer have a CD player in their spec.
It may be possible to simply add a stereo power amplifier to your existing unit.
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