Current television is the above (c.1300v760), and viewing distance is c.2metres.
Mainly watch Sky Sports (HD) Bluerays and DVD. Very little standard definition viewing.
Questions are (which intermingle):
1. would it be worth getting a full HD television?
2. what size? 32" / 37-40".
I like the current size of my television as it is not obtrusive in my "small" lounge of c.3metres square. That said, would I notice the change to full HD? If not at 32", what about at the larger sizes - or do they get too large for the viewing distance.
Mainly watch Sky Sports (HD) Bluerays and DVD. Very little standard definition viewing.
Questions are (which intermingle):
1. would it be worth getting a full HD television?
2. what size? 32" / 37-40".
I like the current size of my television as it is not obtrusive in my "small" lounge of c.3metres square. That said, would I notice the change to full HD? If not at 32", what about at the larger sizes - or do they get too large for the viewing distance.