Upgrading 20 yr old Rega


New member
Aug 10, 2019
TT experts some advice please - I have a Rega 3 purchased 23 years ago. It's served me well over the years but I am considering an upgrade. Budget of £1000, so maybe P5 with power supply and cartridge or used Linn.

How good is the P5 and will it offer a significant improvement on Rega 3?

Concerned about setting up Linn and problems with second hand, lots of stuff on ebay is it false economy?
The P5 is way better than a 20yr old P3 - but a new P3-24 with TTPSU is better than a P5 without one, IMHO - I think the PSU is a VERY significant upgrade. The RB301 is also a fantastic arm.

I had a 20 yr old LP12 with Basik plus arm (and Dynavector DV10x5) in my study system for a couple of years and was never entirely happy with it. Bought the P3-24 TTPSU - hugely more enjoyable and musical to these ears. £598 in colours plus about £250 for that (great) cartridge.
It might be slightly above your budget but you might consider listening to a Michell Gyrodec SE. You can fit your arm (RB300) on it and has upgrades that will take it way beyond a P5.
I wouldn't recommend buying a used LP12 except from a Linn dealer or a
seller that a Linn dealer will vouch for. Judging by the fact that I
couldn't sell my LP12/Cirkus/Ekos II (without power supply) for £500 a few years back, I think it's plausible that you could get a similar set-up with a Lingo for less than £1000.

I haven't heard any modern Regas but if the TTPSU is comparable with a Lingo,and if modern Regas are superior to the Planar 3 then I would expect to prefer any Rega with TTPSU to an LP12 without a Lingo. But I'm probably an "outlier" in this respect: a TT power supply seems to make more difference for me than for most people.
A Linn is better than a P5 even with a power supply and i like Rega's, iv'e had a 2 and a 3 and the 5 is hard to beat at the price but with your budget and the suggestion of a Gyrodeck, either of these decks are better than a Rega although the P7 is a different matter, now what are you going to do, hmmmm!

You 've confused the issue even more! I ve discounted the linn on practical grounds and as i've got the wall bracket set up I think i will remain loyal to the rega brand and test the P5 and maybe push the boat out for the P7. You sound impressed with the P7?
Hello lupo, didn't mean to confuse the issue, owning a Linn is not as impractical as people think, once set up and left alone it will play for 5 to 7 years without requiring a service, some dealers would say 3 to 5 years but all they want is your money to service it. You can buy a good one from a reputable dealer with an ittok lv mkll for around £600.00 but as you seem set on the Rega i shall not mention it further. I like Rega's, they are great decks for the money, the P3 24 with power supply gives little away to the P5 without one, with a power supply it's better but not by much imo but the P7 is leagues ahead in fact not giving much away to the P9, of course this is just my opinion and only a listen will help you decide so good luck in your quest, do let us know how you get on, all the best, Gregory.
Not a lot to choose between the two, the Gyro is very detailed with hardly any groove noise but that dependes on arm and cartridge but is upgradable to near Orbe spec, the Rega on the other hand is tight and very ryhtmic and again not much groove noise, i like them both but i would choose the Rega as my floor is awful for footfall but if i had a solid floor i would choose the Gyro, it is a difficult position to be in and one i'm not likely to have for some time as funds are tight but i would wait until after xmas and decide price and 2 or 3 TT's and have a listen then see what i like best.
The P7 times to perfection and can take quite expensive cartridges. One other advantage is the total lack of faff when using it - I had a screw-clamp for a few years and got tired of turning it off to change sides etc.
Chris, I'm liking the lack of 'faff'!

I don't intend doing any tweeking or upgrading and just want to take out of the box and enjoy, so except for being over my £1000 budget the P7 sounds perfect.

Anybody know of any ex dem or good second hand?
I'm sure if you talked nicely to your local dealer at Xmastime he would do something for you. If you specify the cartridge you're going to use, Rega will set up the arm with the appropriate spacers in the factory.
theres also the faff free new clearaudio tt that whf seem to like
find a decent dealer and have a listen to a Gyro and a P7. Both superb decks with a different take on life. I would go for the 7.

One other avenue that is worth considering is the P3-24, with PSU, and treat it to a groovetracer subplatter. The subplatter on the 3 is the one area that I feel suffers from it being built to a cost, and the tracer fixes that problem. That should leave you with a few pennies spare for a cart up grade at the same time.

I would still go for the 7- but you have options a plenty
One decision made is to stick with Rega; The ideal would be a second hand or exdem P7 within £1000 budget.

Would it be possible/worthwile going for the psu, groovetracer and new cartridge on my family hierloom Rega Planar 3 (and spending the rest on LPs)


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