Update on Speakers for older system


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Feb 10, 2013
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Hi, I joined the Forum last week asking about small speakers to use with my Arcam Alpha 10 amp and Alpha 8se CD player. I got a few suggestions so keeping them in mind i popped in to my local dealer who stocks a few of what was suggested these being, Proac Tablettes,PMC DB1i,PMC Twenty 21, Neat petite SX.. I just need to give the room a coat of paint and put up the shelves then go and have a listen, so hopefully one of them will fit the bill as they all get decent reviews.

I will let you know how it goes.
Regards, Kev.


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Mar 20, 2010
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hello kev i also have an arcam 10 and a pair of pmc db1+ and was thinking about buying some pmc 21 could you let me know how how your demo went regard ian


Well-known member
Feb 10, 2013
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As it happens i did not end up at that particular dealer the Pmc Twenty.21 had not come in. So i made an appointment with Doug Bradys in Warrington for Saturday morning. They do not have the PMC's but they suggested that they might not have been suitable as the speakers need to go on shelves close to a rear wall. So anyway i had my Arcam Alpha 10 amp & Arcam 8se cd player, we started with the Totem Mites i did not like these they sounded thin and had no depth i did not really care for the look of the Totem Rainmakers so then i had a listen to the Neat Motive 3 these were quite nice so went on the short list.

But they were soon surpassed by a pair of Proac D1's great pressence and soundstage but i was a bit unsure of the bass on the Emile Sande track i was using the lower piano notes sounded a bit boomy which i think could have been worse with the speakers being close to the wall. Now this is where things went a bit TiT's up just as i was about to give a pair of Harbeth P3esr's a go the Arcam amp packed in and would not power up they have there own Tech guy at the store and he took it to the workshop to have a look hoping it was just a fuse but it was not that, he changed some small switch can't remember what he said it was. He got it going be said that it could pack in for good at any time just because it was so old i have had it for 16years.

So back to the speakers as soon as i heard the Harbeths i thought these are the speakers for me, they just sounded fantastic with the type of music i like, Acoustic and piano driven music. I have now got them at home making sure they sound as good in my small room, and they do. Also the guys at Doug Bradys suggested i take one of their amps with me just in case mine packed in and i could also see what sort of difference a new amp could make.

So i am trying the Harbeths with a Sonneteer Campion and i have to say the difference is quite marked the soundstage and detail with the Harbeths is superb. So i am definitly getting the Harbeths and when the funds are available i am going to get a new amp.

One thing i would like to add is that the staff at Doug Bradys Warrington were brilliant especialy with trying to sort out my amp when it packed in, nothing seemed to be to much trouble and i had tea and coffee coming out my ears. Highly recommend this store.

Regards Kev.


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Dec 24, 2008
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skutters said:
Also the guys at Doug Bradys suggested i take one of their amps with me just in case mine packed in and i could also see what sort of difference a new amp could make.

Now that is a HiFi dealer line I haven't heard before ;)


Well-known member
Feb 10, 2013
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They were not trying to sell me the amp i personaly think it was good of them to suggest taking an amp with me, i could have got home with the Harbeths and my amp could of packed in again and i would have had no way to demo the speakers at home. People are not always that cynical.

Just my thoughts FWIW.


Well-known member
Feb 10, 2013
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Yeah totally agree with what the guy say's the Harbeths and the Campion sound great together in my small room, i do agree also that at times with certain music the Campion does not quite go low enough and is a bit lightweight. But most of the time they sound great together as i dont listen to heavy bass music. When i come to get the amp i will audition the Sonneteer Alabaster as this is a bit more powerful and gets great reviews.

Just sad i have got to take the Speakers and amp back tomorrow, i will be ordering the speakers tomorrow so should only have to wait about a week for them. But it will be a few months before i can get the Amp(sigh).

BTW i am thinking of changing the CD player as well later in the year does anyone know what the Sonneteer CD players are like?.