I have an Hitachi plasma tv PD5200 which has a display of 1024x1024, I have just been bought the Sony AV Amp STR DG820 and wish to now purchase the Sony Blu-Ray BDP-S350 will I have any problems displaying fast moving shots
From what I can find online, your Hitachi sadly doesn't seem to accept 24fps, and the best resolution you're going to get from it is 1080i/720p, not Blu-ray's native 1080p. That'll mean having to switch the BD player to output at 720p and hoping the judder isn't too noticeable....
Is this motion judder actually noticeable?? My mate has a Philips 42PF9631D, and hasn't noticed anything. He's watched Transformers etc, and loads of slow panning films and hasn't noticed a thing. he has it set to 1080i
It depends so much on the individual TV, Blu-ray player and viewer! Some people don't notice judder, others find it unbearable.
Also, the Philips you mention can accept a 24fps signal (deals with it via pulldown, which may mean some judder in slow panning shots etc, but otherwise should be OK) - the OP's Hitachi can't.