Wondered if anyone had advice on the safety of this?
I've got several pieces of equipment, all connected to the mains via surge protection sockets.
It would be easier to turn everything on and off with the mains switch, but I've worried it could damage components. Though ostensibly it should be the same as using their buttons, I wondered if AV receivers, subs, and so on, might have shut-down or start-up routines that don't happen the same if they just unexpectedly lose juice.
Anyone got any advice or experience?
Wondered if anyone had advice on the safety of this?
I've got several pieces of equipment, all connected to the mains via surge protection sockets.
It would be easier to turn everything on and off with the mains switch, but I've worried it could damage components. Though ostensibly it should be the same as using their buttons, I wondered if AV receivers, subs, and so on, might have shut-down or start-up routines that don't happen the same if they just unexpectedly lose juice.
Anyone got any advice or experience?