toshiba bluray


New member
Aug 27, 2008
just read toshiba might be bringing out a bluray player any one else no anything about this?
Toshiba is still seething over the loss of it's HD-DVD format to Sony's Blu-Ray, so I'd be very surprised to see it finally relenting.
ValianTX:Toshiba is still seething over the loss of it's HD-DVD format to Sony's Blu-Ray, so I'd be very surprised to see it finally relenting.

I thought that at first, but then they did have the sense to stop the hd-dvd format so perhaps someone saw the 'blu light at the end of the tunnel. With the quality dvd players they have produced, i would welcome a blu-ray player from them.
I've no doubt that they will produce a good blu-ray player if that is the intended direction of the company now.
They were still taking the 'over our dead body' approach until recently - but i'd expect them to accept market realities eventually. See also Sony and MP3/Atrac!
The news stories that have come out regarding this point towards comments made by the CEO during a recent financial conference call between the board and shareholders. He didn't say that they specifically were doing it, more like they were exploring all options to generate revenue. The speculation is that after Toshiba's record losses last year they are looking for options to bolster their revenue stream and specifically the Japanese Blu-ray recorder market appears quite compelling as a major emerging market. Forecasters speculate that most every home in Japan will have a Blu-ray recorder in years to come and with this theory carrying a bit of statistical weight, Toshiba seems to not want to let a silly grudge make them miss what could be a fattening gravy boat.
Andy Clough:If that's the case, then common sense seems to have prevailed.

...... not to mention, good business sense too! As they say, if you can't beat them, join them
Ah yes, but there's also the 'loss of enormous face' - as one Japanese company high-up once described it to me - to consider.
True. They 'lost face' big time with the demise of HD-DVD. They have been wallowing in their misery for so long now and realising, having no choice, that it is time to either embrace Blu-Ray or be buried, they will just have to 'save face' to a little extent and move forward.


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