Toshiba 32C3030D vs 32C3035D differences?


New member
Aug 26, 2007
Any chance WHF will review the 3035 model soon? Having looked at specs on Tosh's own www I can't see any difference in features. Unless it's just better quality picture. Anyone know? The 3030 model was a 5* rating until it got regraded to 4* when the Samsung dethroned it.

Maybe this one will reverse that...


Hi, i posted exactly the same question about a week ago with no response. I bit the bullet and bought the 3035 on sat. I originally wanted the 3030 but they are hard to get now and i had to buy from comet (ins claim) they offered me the last 3030 (display) with a whopping 5% off!!!, anyway they matched the web price and i managed to squeeze a panasonic dmrez77 in for 220!!. From what the salesman and i could see, the only difference was the 3035 seems to have an optical digital audio connection on the rear. I am very pleased with the set and the picture is good, just need to wait for my hdmi qed cable before i tinker with the settings. The comet web site does list the 3035 as a physically bigger set than the3030, but it is infact exactly the same size. So all in all i am very pleased with my purchases, you would only tell that the panasonic LX700 would be a better set if it was next to the tosh in your lounge, without a comparison you will be happy buying this set.


New member
Aug 26, 2007
Thanks. The 3030 was good by all accounts, so 3035 should be too. Price as low as £440 makes it very tempting. Even though i'm scared picture won't be as good as my panny CRT.

Is their much motion blur you can notice?


Hi again, can't understand why more people have not posted regarding the tosh 3030 or 3035, its well under £500 and represents excellent value for money if you are on a tight budget (mortgage, kids, cars etc).Anyway, received my qed hdmi lead today and set tv up using Nemo disc. I am really impressed by the picture quality (1080P) and regarding my other post about the Regza link being compatible with the panasonic Viera link, yes the toshiba does recognise the panasonic dvd recorder. Still unsure if i should be running a fully wired scart lead in conjunction with my new hmdi lead, can anyone tell me if i should use both leads and why.Thanks.


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