Hi, i posted exactly the same question about a week ago with no response. I bit the bullet and bought the 3035 on sat. I originally wanted the 3030 but they are hard to get now and i had to buy from comet (ins claim) they offered me the last 3030 (display) with a whopping 5% off!!!, anyway they matched the web price and i managed to squeeze a panasonic dmrez77 in for 220!!. From what the salesman and i could see, the only difference was the 3035 seems to have an optical digital audio connection on the rear. I am very pleased with the set and the picture is good, just need to wait for my hdmi qed cable before i tinker with the settings. The comet web site does list the 3035 as a physically bigger set than the3030, but it is infact exactly the same size. So all in all i am very pleased with my purchases, you would only tell that the panasonic LX700 would be a better set if it was next to the tosh in your lounge, without a comparison you will be happy buying this set.