Too many album covers!!


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Aug 10, 2019
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Sorry if its a common Q. But if an artist releases a CD that features guest artists, why does itunes split the album into many and how do I make it 1 again?! Just something thats always bugged me..........


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Feb 15, 2009
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I've had this problem on several albums and the way that I've found to overcome it is by highlighting all the tracks, if they're next to each other by holding shift and clicking on first and last track of the entire album (including split tracks), or by holding the control key and selecting each track, then while keeping the cursor over one of the tracks, right clicking and choosing get info.

I then put the artists name in the Album Artist box and they are then back as the one album. I then just for completness go into the music folder of the computer and cut all the other tracks from their relevant folder and place them in the artists folder and the appropriate album. For example if the CD is David Bowie's Greatest Hits (first one I could think of) iTunes creates folders for David Bowie and the subfolder Greatest Hits and a folder for David Bowie and Mick Jagger again with a subfolder of Greatest Hits. I just cut all the random tracks and place them all in the David Bowie folder.

After doing this you do need to go back into iTunes and double-click on the cut tracks (eg David Bowie and Mick Jagger track) and locate the track in the David Bowie folder in your music.

Sorry for rattling on, hope this helps!

John Duncan

Well-known member
Alternatively, highlight all the tracks, right click and click on 'Get Info' (that's the Mac version, it may be 'Properties' in Windows, I forget), click on 'Options', and select 'Part of a compilation' - this makes them all one album again. Saves any mucking about with file locations...


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