Time to Go - Disillusioned


Well-known member
It is with sadness and regret but it is time to take a break from this forum, I am not getting the enjoyment now that used to be here so I have decided that a time out reset is required.

Having a contrary POV can stimulate a good discussion and I have enjoyed many such discussions during my time here, I would like to thank those who have offered help and advice to my queries and question, your input has been greatly appreciated.

Our musical world is changing rapidly, the era of physical media is in its twilight period and drawing to a close, vinyl which was given it's last rites many years may stick around a good while longer but CD seems to me to be doomed, true the demise of physical media is not going to happen today but happen it will.

The boxes that we use to process and hear our music are becoming very different from the traditional ones from yesterday, tech is getting smarter and its interaction within our daily lives has never been closer. Anyone who has read my posts will realise that I am not a fan of streaming at this moment in time, but I have no doubt that in the not too distant future a good streaming unit will form part of my setup.

My frustration on this forum is the unwillingness of some to accept the right of others to spend our money how we see fit, it doesn't matter what any of us choose to spend on our systems as long as we can afford to do so, the forceful way in which these narrow minded individuals impart their views with no allowance for another's right to choose is staggering.

So I have decided to cut and run, what should be a place where discussions can take place and contrary views accepted and debated seems to me to be unhealthy.

Once again, thanks to everyone who has helped with advice and guidance it has been appreciated.

And that is me out of here. Bye.


Well-known member
It is with sadness and regret but it is time to take a break from this forum, I am not getting the enjoyment now that used to be here so I have decided that a time out reset is required.

Having a contrary POV can stimulate a good discussion and I have enjoyed many such discussions during my time here, I would like to thank those who have offered help and advice to my queries and question, your input has been greatly appreciated.

Our musical world is changing rapidly, the era of physical media is in its twilight period and drawing to a close, vinyl which was given it's last rites many years may stick around a good while longer but CD seems to me to be doomed, true the demise of physical media is not going to happen today but happen it will.

The boxes that we use to process and hear our music are becoming very different from the traditional ones from yesterday, tech is getting smarter and its interaction within our daily lives has never been closer. Anyone who has read my posts will realise that I am not a fan of streaming at this moment in time, but I have no doubt that in the not too distant future a good streaming unit will form part of my setup.

My frustration on this forum is the unwillingness of some to accept the right of others to spend our money how we see fit, it doesn't matter what any of us choose to spend on our systems as long as we can afford to do so, the forceful way in which these narrow minded individuals impart their views with no allowance for another's right to choose is staggering.

So I have decided to cut and run, what should be a place where discussions can take place and contrary views accepted and debated seems to me to be unhealthy.

Once again, thanks to everyone who has helped with advice and guidance it has been appreciated.

And that is me out of here. Bye.
At no time did I question the right of others to spend their money on whatever they like.

I had nothing against you - though I honestly thought you were playing devil's advocate with your defence of the gullible.

You won't want advice but:
Try to think of 'gullible' in a less negative way - it's not a crime to be gullible - it's the scammers that are the criminals.

If / when you come back, or if you go on another forum, don't tell people to keep their opinions to themselves - whilst repeatedly expressing a minority opinion of your own.

You used to say rant over, but I fear with you, that was never really the case.

I wish you well and hope you get your Z8 camera 👍
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Sadly, forums are increasingly becoming tiring places to be. Most people frequent them because it's their hobby, and you'd think that you'd be able to come to a relevant place and share that with like minded people. The reality is quite different. Hi-Fi forums are rather similar to the industry itself - a very small, niche place to be, but rather than being friendly, supportive, nurturing, it just works against itself, like it's trying to self destruct from the inside. Sad really, as the possibilities could be good for everyone.
Sadly, forums are increasingly becoming tiring places to be. Most people frequent them because it's their hobby, and you'd think that you'd be able to come to a relevant place and share that with like minded people. The reality is quite different. Hi-Fi forums are rather similar to the industry itself - a very small, niche place to be, but rather than being friendly, supportive, nurturing, it just works against itself, like it's trying to self destruct from the inside. Sad really, as the possibilities could be good for everyone.
I've been to forums specialising in several areas, and none are as fractious as hifi ones. It's mainly cable threads, and there do seem to be people whose sole reason for participating is to tell others that they are wrong. They may (or may not) be, but it's leaning towards the mean-spirited.
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I've been to forums specialising in several areas, and none are as fractious as hifi ones. It's mainly cable threads, and there do seem to be people whose sole reason for participating is to tell others that they are wrong. They may (or may not) be, but it's leaning towards the mean-spirited.
I don't find it exclusive to audio, I've found similar in some Facebook film groups, and I'm sure there's other groups where there's zero respect from numerous members.
(Non-relevant content deleted - dragging the thread that caused departure into this one is not relevant.)

That's not side skirting the issue of causing offence to someone who has fallen for such a trick as to pay for false advertising etc its something played within all things but as a person I'm unwilling to play about with word definition to suit a false belief.

I will miss you it's a shame if you do not return but I have been on the recieving end of a sharp tongue or two since my time here but as it's usually the same members believe it's nothing more than a passionate expression of words.

I do hope to see you again and that your reading this on your return.
Please don't drag the thread that has caused this departure into this one. Thanks.


Well-known member
I don't find it exclusive to audio, I've found similar in some Facebook film groups, and I'm sure there's other groups where there's zero respect from numerous members.
Camera gear is possibly worst than hifi in all honesty, the "full frame v APSC" debate is old hat and done to death. All very toxic places to be for new comers that just want to be creative.


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Aug 10, 2021
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Camera gear is possibly worst than hifi in all honesty, the "full frame v APSC" debate is old hat and done to death. All very toxic places to be for new comers that just want to be creative.
Mirrorless vs dslr is another feisty subject.....I like both...in all honesty, sometimes you get the feeling that some folks are so defensive /aggressive about the products they own . that they have vested interests in the companies themselves....I'm very open about the audio gear I like, valves, solid state, class A, cd, vinyl, streaming, cheap cables, expensive cables, it's all the same to me, just as long as I get to hear the tunes.😁
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Jan 18, 2022
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Although I have been on here a while, I am a more recent poster. I’ve always found some subjects (well let’s face it, one in particular), intimidating to join.

Also, whilst understanding a wish to offer advice on consumer protection, I also wonder about threads where laudable aims seems to descend into “let’s all laugh at how stupid people are for buying this”. I know I’ll be told that such manufacturers need to be called out and people alerted, but there’s sometimes something else less civil going on.

Still, “welcome to the Internet!” 😀


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Jul 31, 2023
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I respect your judgment and choice, as I respected your contributions.

After decades on the internet, including fora on favorite hobbies, I've learned to filter and avoid as I like. Limiting time and other investments is important, and a thick skin is essential if you choose to contribute your views/preferences/biases/nonsense/etc..

I learned filtering earlier and much more broadly listening to radio and watching television for even more decades. The latter sources are generally much more offensive for me without filtering, even if not interactive.



Well-known member
Mar 2, 2021
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It is with sadness and regret but it is time to take a break from this forum, I am not getting the enjoyment now that used to be here so I have decided that a time out reset is required.

Having a contrary POV can stimulate a good discussion and I have enjoyed many such discussions during my time here, I would like to thank those who have offered help and advice to my queries and question, your input has been greatly appreciated.

Our musical world is changing rapidly, the era of physical media is in its twilight period and drawing to a close, vinyl which was given it's last rites many years may stick around a good while longer but CD seems to me to be doomed, true the demise of physical media is not going to happen today but happen it will.

The boxes that we use to process and hear our music are becoming very different from the traditional ones from yesterday, tech is getting smarter and its interaction within our daily lives has never been closer. Anyone who has read my posts will realise that I am not a fan of streaming at this moment in time, but I have no doubt that in the not too distant future a good streaming unit will form part of my setup.

My frustration on this forum is the unwillingness of some to accept the right of others to spend our money how we see fit, it doesn't matter what any of us choose to spend on our systems as long as we can afford to do so, the forceful way in which these narrow minded individuals impart their views with no allowance for another's right to choose is staggering.

So I have decided to cut and run, what should be a place where discussions can take place and contrary views accepted and debated seems to me to be unhealthy.

Once again, thanks to everyone who has helped with advice and guidance it has been appreciated.

And that is me out of here. Bye.
Sorry to see you go, but will see you on our other forums, which aren’t as fractious.



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