Thicker cables equal better sound or not????


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Aug 10, 2019
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Having owned a JBL ESC200 pro logic surround sound system for over 10 years and am fairly happy with the sound that comes out (obviously not as good as some of the latest kits available) , I am not considering upgrading until finances dictate...

I was wondering if upgrading the speaker cable to the sub and 5 small satelite speakers would improve the quality vastly considering that this a 10 year old system.

The wire I use at the moment is cheap thin speaker wire from my local electrical supplies shop (Maplins) and is not branded ie QED/Chord etc. and is fairly thin... would upgrading the wire to a thicker type benefit a 10 year old pro logic surround sound or wouldn`t it be worth bothering about

I know from experience that my Hifi cable does make a difference to the sound but I have to consider the JBL system is over 10 years old and rather than start to spend say fifty quid on better speaker/sub wire , would I be better putting that to another small speakered system (Sony DAV IS 10)

Any advice would be appreciated



Well-known member
Sep 16, 2009
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I am no expert by far, but in my opion I would say upgrade the speaker cable first, as it should make a difference and then if you still not happy and decide to upgrade the speakers as well, you would not be loosing out on anything as it will just make the new speakers sound even better than they would have with the old speaker cable


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