The WHF Film Club

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BenLaw said:
Far from 'reinforcing the message' that this was an ethnic conflict, I was concerned that this was the only reference to that aspect of the conflict and that in isolation it rather assumed knowledge of the conflict, rather than informing the viewer as I felt the filmmakers were trying to do.

The original book was released in 1999, and at that time the conflict would probably have been fresh in any readers mind, so they would probably already be familiar with the religious element to the ethic divisions. In contrast, the film was released in 2010, and anyone watching the film today, who is younger than 20 will not remember the conflict, and may be unaware of important aspects of it. If the director felt the need to inform the younger viewers, of the religious aspect, I think she needed more than just the one reference.

BenLaw said:
As for why it was there, I feel the answer lies in the reference at the end (I think) that the film was based on several true stories. It felt to me like it was thrown in simply because someone behind the film had read accounts and found that particularly horrific (as it was) and wanted to put it in - even though in reality it bore no relation to the rest of the story and added little.

According to :

"As if I am not there (2010)[/i], ..... is based on the book by Croatian journalist Slavenka Drakulic. Drakulic has written many books including an excellent book 'They would never hurt a fly: war criminals on trial at the Hague[/i]'. To gather the material for both these books Drakulic spent time at the International Criminal Tribunal of the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) watching the trials. In 'They would never hurt a fly' she gives descriptions of those prosecuted by the Tribunal while in 'As if I am not there' she tells the story of 'S' a victim of sexual violence during the Balkan conflict. "

So the author was familiar with many accounts of victims from the conflict. However like you I feel that the child mutilation bore no relation to the rest of the story.
expat_mike said:
Does anyone here want to join the WHF Fantasy Football League?

Now that I am in France, I do not watch much UK football, so for me, picking the team would include an element of sticking pins in a list of names. I think that I would struggle to beat your wifes team.

I will have a look at the details, and think about it.

Come on Mike, the league's looking embarrassingly small.

My wife has picked a reasonable team, and she knows next to nothing about football, and you can always check to see the big point scorers from last season, and which players are the most popular this season by clicking at the top of the columns.
David@FrankHarvey said:
I'll wait until this has been ironed out! A tad busy over the next few days as well, so bear with me...

Could do with your 3 films as soon as possible please David.
Come on Mike, the league's looking embarrassingly small.

My wife has picked a reasonable team, and she knows next to nothing about football, and you can always check to see the big point scorers from last season, and which players are the most popular this season by clicking at the top of the columns.

I relied on the Team Autoselect functionality, finished off with a bit of manual finetuning.

I think I have ended up with a reasonable team, to start the season with.

Could do with your 3 films as soon as possible please David.

I haven't read the whole thread, so bear with me on recommendations - I know Snowtown was mentioned a short while back - did everyone see that, or is it open to being out forward again?
David@FrankHarvey said:
Could do with your 3 films as soon as possible please David.

I haven't read the whole thread, so bear with me on recommendations - I know Snowtown was mentioned a short while back - did everyone see that, or is it open to being out forward again?

I haven't seen it, so I know it's never been chosen, but I can't say with any certainty than Ben didn't propose it.
So which one of you said that "The World's End" was worth watching?

It wasn't.
David@FrankHarvey said:
Could do with your 3 films as soon as possible please David.

I haven't read the whole thread, so bear with me on recommendations - I know Snowtown was mentioned a short while back - did everyone see that, or is it open to being out forward again?

I haven't seen it, so I know it's never been chosen, but I can't say with any certainty than Ben didn't propose it.

I proposed it first time round. You all picked the goat film instead!
So which one of you said that "The World's End" was worth watching?

It wasn't.

Brilliant, and a nice close to the trilogy 🙂

If you'd have said "This Is The End" (the other film out around the same time), I'd have believed you - a big pile of donkey poo.
David@FrankHarvey said:
So which one of you said that "The World's End" was worth watching?

It wasn't.

Brilliant, and a nice close to the trilogy 🙂

If you'd have said "This Is The End" (the other film out around the same time), I'd have believed you - a big pile of donkey poo.

I'll have to agree to disagree, to me and my wife, it was one of the worst films we've seen in years. Not one laugh, no chemistry between the actors, a god awful script, and so far up it's own ar$e it could well have found Ricky Gervais up there.
You'll have to let me know if any of these have been used before...

City Of Life And Death

A depiction of the 1937 war between Japan and China.


It is worth watching the Bodies In The Barrells documentary, as for me, it helped with who was who, and also gives a little more to the true story of Australia's most notorious serial killer.

Under The Skin

Probably the least said about this, the better...

The first two are relatively cheap to get hold of, and the last one is on LoveFilm - let me know if anyone doesn't have LoveFilm and I'll choose something else.
I vote Snowtown 3 pts, Under The Skin 2 pts, and City Of Life And Death 1 pt.

As the husband of a very patriotic Japanese lady, I have to say how uncomfortable I am with the subject matter of City Of Life And Death, and if I was to bring that film into my house, there'd probably be further bloodshed. Mine.

If it gets chosen, I will have to pass on it.
David@FrankHarvey said:
The first two are relatively cheap to get hold of, and the last one is on LoveFilm - let me know if anyone doesn't have LoveFilm and I'll choose something else.

Unfortunately we don't have LoveFilm in France (it has been forecast to start imminently for the past 12 months, but I don't think is very proactive on this score). Under the skin is still in some cinemas, so isn't available on DVD or Bluray yet, and its not on Orange VOD yet. Sorry about that.
Sorry BBB, didn't realise. Do you want me to replace it with something else? And as for Under The Skin, shall I just replace both of these films with something else?
David@FrankHarvey said:
John Duncan said:
David@FrankHarvey said:
BenLaw said:
I proposed it first time round. You all picked the goat film instead!

I'm not even going to ask...

I think you should be required to watch it, as a form of Film Club membership initiation.

Does it get eaten by a Tyrannosaurus Rex?

No, but they do knock some stuff over and climb on a table.
David@FrankHarvey said:
Sorry BBB, didn't realise. Do you want me to replace it with something else? And as for Under The Skin, shall I just replace both of these films with something else?

Disappointing as those are the two I haven't seen and therefore would have voted for but if a member can't get one I don't see how it can be included and if another member will not be able to watch a second film for some reason than again it shouldn't be included. Under the Skin could be included from October by the look of it.
BenLaw said:
David@FrankHarvey said:
John Duncan said:
David@FrankHarvey said:
BenLaw said:
I proposed it first time round. You all picked the goat film instead!

I'm not even going to ask...

I think you should be required to watch it, as a form of Film Club membership initiation.

Does it get eaten by a Tyrannosaurus Rex?

No, but they do knock some stuff over and climb on a table.

Did they? It was more exciting than I thought then. *mosking*
David@FrankHarvey said:
Sorry BBB, didn't realise. Do you want me to replace it with something else? And as for Under The Skin, shall I just replace both of these films with something else?

Don't do that on my behalf Dave, and if it does get chosen, I'll try my best to watch it, but god help me if she sees it. It's not that my wife is in denial, it's just that she is tired of being blamed for something that happened a long time ago. I read a review on IMDb which was from someone who had seen the film in China, and they told of school trips to see the film. This isn't about education, this is all about anti-Japanese propaganda. The Chinese are teaching their kids to hate Japan, that is a fact, and there are regular attacks in China on Japanese businesses and people. My problem with watching this film, is it is being used to stir up anti-Japanese feeling, whether that was the director's aim or not.
BenLaw said:
David@FrankHarvey said:
John Duncan said:
David@FrankHarvey said:
BenLaw said:
I proposed it first time round. You all picked the goat film instead!

I'm not even going to ask...

I think you should be required to watch it, as a form of Film Club membership initiation.

Does it get eaten by a Tyrannosaurus Rex?

No, but they do knock some stuff over and climb on a table.

Did they? It was more exciting than I thought then. *mosking*
You forgot the bit where the stone was knocked way from under the van, the can knocks over the fence, and the goats run amok. It was like the first twenty minutes of Saving Private Ryan. With goats.
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