<rigorous enforcer>
It's LES branleurs
</rigorous enforcer>
JD, I see that you are up to speed with the proposed tags for the new HTML6 standard. :rofl:
Regarding the speed at which we are getting through the films, I too think that we are trying to rush things.
As I understood things LQV was Octobers film, and Monsieur Lazhar is the November film, so we chose the film early, to give everyone a fair chance of obtaining and viewing the film during November. My disc is due to arrive on Saturday, so ordering well in advance has worked well this month.
JD's 3 films were to form the choice for December, so whilst it is good to vote soon, and get our orders in, there is no rush to watch the chosen film within the next 2 weeks.
Another reason why I do not feel the need to rush, is that the discussions about films on the forum, are revealing the names of other films (same director, genre etc) that sound like an interesting diversion, and of interest to watch. An example for me is BBBs suggestion of other Scandinavian films with similar gentle humour to Elling. I think one attraction of the film club is finding these cinematic diversions emerge, from the mainstream discussion - and it would be a pity to be in such a rush, that we did not take time to explore these diversions.
From a practical point of view, it sounds like some of us only get time to watch the films at weekends, so this also imposes a kind of limit on how fast we can view/discuss the films.
Now to investigate JDs nominations.........