The WHF Film Club

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Could really do with some input from [font="ProximaNova-Semibold, arial, verdana, sans-serif"]thepronster.[/font]

expat_mike said:
No sight of the pronster for 10 days *sad*

Not on this thread, but he's been on the forum today. *scratch_one-s_head*

Just a thought, while the pronster practices being the scarlet pimpernel (they seek him here, they seek him there.......... *biggrin* ). Should someone nominate some films, so that one can be chosen and watched during october?
"Nope, can't see him anywhere"

expat_mike said:
Should someone nominate some films, so that one can be chosen and watched during october?

I think it may have been my turn next when the club ground to a halt, but I'll have to check to be sure.

Edit. Just checked, and Richard had chosen the 4 films when the club ended, not sure if anyone watched the chosen film though.

If Richard wants to choose another set, he can, if he doesn't, I'm quite keen to do so.
Let's see what Richard has to say, but as i said, I'd quite like to do it.
Hi, I'm very sorry for the slow response. I'd love to have a place to chat about films with fellow cinema-lovers, but as you can probably tell from the length of time it's taken me to reply, I can't commit to anything more formal than chipping in occasionally (health reasons). I occasionally write a brief off-the-cuff comment on something or other (usually in the vinyl section), but couldn't be an active 'club member' on a regular basis, especially where I'm one of only a few people and expected to contribute regularly to keep the thing going. I hope this doesn't throw a spanner in your works. If it's more informal, like I said before, I'd like to chip in from time to time, as it's lovely to hav chance to talk about film and films with other people who share the interest. If you want to choose a film each month and are happy to accept contributions from others such as me as and when I feel able to, that's great.
thescarletpronster said:
If you want to choose a film each month and are happy to accept contributions from others such as me as and when I feel able to, that's great.

If you feel that's all you're able to do, then I'm perfectly happy for you to do that, as I would like you involved.

Do you think you'd be able to watch the chosen film each month?
richardw42 said:
BBB, I'm happy if you want to go ahead.

Thank you, Richard.

Though there will only be the three of us to start, I'm hopeful that Strapped and Pronster will still be able to add the occasional worthwhile contribution to help keep the club alive.

I'll have a think, and make my nominations before the end of the day, but because there's only the 3 of us (2 voting), I'll only list 3 films.
I've chosen my 3 films. There's no reason for choosing them, other than the fact that I own the DVDs, and I've never got around to watching them. I think this will be my criteria for the next few choices, as I've lots of unwatched DVDs. *smile*

The White Ribbon

Lift To The Scaffold

The Boss Of It All

Vote when you're ready, and if Strapped and Pronster fancy watching one of these, they are free to vote too (if that's ok with Richard and Mike).
'm going to have to think hard as they look to be three very strong films. (BBB, have you peaked to soon ?)

i really like the idea of including a comedy, I think it would be quite a nice idea to try and include a comedy or animation (not Frozen type) with our nominations. It doesn't always have to be about dissecting misery.
Do you think you'd be able to watch the chosen film each month?

That shouldn't be a problem as long as I can get hold of it, I just don't know how much I'll be able to contribute to the discussion each month. Hopefully I will be able to, but I wouldn't like to promise.

In an encouraging start, I've actually seen the first two of your three suggestions. I'll just have to see how much I can remember about them!

Thanks for trying to include me, by the way. I'm looking forward to this!
I think my vote will be for The White Ribbon, just because Michael Haneke was mentioned in dispatches here a few weeks ago (by Mike, I think). Although somehow I've managed never to even hear of The Boss of It All, the last time I watched a Von Trier film, I thought 'Well, at least I feel like I'll never have to watch another von Trier film now', so I won't vote for that one (although possibly it's fantastic)!

I'd be equally happy with Lift to the Scaffold, which I've only seen once, at the cinema about 15 years ago, and it would be a chance for us all to listen to some Miles Davis as well.
@ scarletpronster

If you are able to watch the chosen film each month, then I'm sure Mike and Richhard will be ok with you voting, but I would like them to confirm first. To let you know, you need to vote 3 pts to the film you would like to watch the most, down to 1 pt for the film you would like to watch the least. If we ever have 4 films, then it will be 4 pts down to 1.

I only read earlier today that Miles Davis did the score for Lift To The Scaffold, so whether or not it gets chosen, I'll be watching it soon. I've just put Porgy and Bess on. *music2*
richardw42 said:
I'm going to have to think hard as they look to be three very strong films. (BBB, have you peaked to soon ?)

There's lots more where they came from. *smile*

richardw42 said:
i really like the idea of including a comedy, I think it would be quite a nice idea to try and include a comedy or animation (not Frozen type) with our nominations. It doesn't always have to be about dissecting misery.

I couldn't agree more, I think nearly all of my nominatons have included at least one humourous film. I think one of the reasons the club came to an end before, was the majority of the films that were chosen were a bit on the depressing side. There's nothing wrong with those films, but I think it's easier to be in the mood for a lighter film, than one that's not going to be filled with joys of spring, therefore, it's harder for people to find the right time to watch those less joyous films.
I've chosen my 3 films. There's no reason for choosing them, other than the fact that I own the DVDs, and I've never got around to watching them. I think this will be my criteria for the next few choices, as I've lots of unwatched DVDs. *smile*

The White Ribbon

Lift To The Scaffold

The Boss Of It All

Vote when you're ready, and if Strapped and Pronster fancy watching one of these, they are free to vote too (if that's ok with Richard and Mike).

my votes are:

lift to the scaffold - 3 pts

white ribbon - 2 pts

boss of it all - 1 pt
I've watched trailers on YouTube for all 3. I think I'll watch them all, but for the purposes of the vote. I gp

The Boss of it All 3

The White Ribbon 2

Lift to the Scaffold 1
Mike and Richard

4 pts each ...mmmmmm? Are both of you happy for the pronster to have the deciding vote, or should I do it?
richardw42 said:
I didn't see mikes vote when I did mine.

Yes, you or pronster should have casting vote.

If pronster doesn't vote by the end of tomorrow, I will. Saying that, he's already said which film he prefers, and as it's 2nd choice for both of you, it might be the best choice.

Let's see what he says.
I'm happy for you to have casting vote, BigBern - as I said, I'm not particualry eager to watch another Von Trier film, but on the other hand, as it's the one of the three that I haven't seen, perhaps I should. You decide which one you fancy talking about this month, as you've put so much effort into getting the club up and running again.
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