I am curious. Why do you want to issue a guide to high-end, something thats by its very nature (the very high prices) is of academic interest at best to the majority of your readers (us)? - I am sure you can do 'high-end' as good as some rivals which I would associate more with the subject (HIFI+) but I can't help thinking this is just an exercise to flex your muscles.
Agree, sometimes its interesting to read what is possible with expensive stuff but most people will never even have the oportunity to even listen to any of it unless they live next to one of those esoteric high-end salons. Why bother? Surely, there must be more interesting things to do a 'guide' of, such as perhaps ultimate accessories, ultimate system building, ultimate readers systems .... etc. all more relevant to your average reader than things with price tags of cars? Your ultimate guide to hifi is excellent, why extend that to the ridiculous? Its been done by HIFI Choice (not HT) and personally, I did'nt think it was one of their greatest ideas either.
I think your perception of high-end (and those of some of the other media brands you mention) may be different to ours. Very interested, for example, at your use of phrases like 'esoteric' and 'price tags of cars'.
By far the majority of content in our Ultimate Guide will be the flagship models of mainstream manufacturers, and starting at prices that will be attainable to anyone who wishes to signficantly invest in their listening and viewing pleasure.
Yes, there will be some dream-machine stuff in there - because who doesn't want to have dreams and aspirations for their systems? - but also a lot of high-end products people can work towards in the real-world.
It's amazing what people can find the money for if something is their passion. You'll find people that spend a vast slice of their disposable income on, for example, following their football team (home and away), or their car, or travelling, or their
children (more than £8000 a year to raise a child - think of the hi-fi you could have for that!).
Others will spend that on their home entertainment systems. because that's their passion. This magazine's for them or anyone who wishes that was them!