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Most importent thing in for me is re-producing sound, as it real. If are talking about the highend, transparency, aural holographic imaging, sound stage, cohersion must be nearly perfect.

My system would be,

Power Amplifier - Audio Research REFERENCE 610T Amplifier

Pre- Amplifier - Audio Research Ref 3

Transport - MBL 1622

Dac - MBL 1611 F

Turn Table - EAR Yoshino Master Disk

Phono -Pre - ASR Basis Exclusive

Speaker - YG Acustic Anat Reference II

Regenarator - Pure Power 2000

Cables - Nordost Odin (speaker, interconnect, power chords)
the record spot:Andrew Everard:Hey, come on guys, let's not have all this 'if I become Miss World I will work to help children and the poor and end world hunger' stuff: lighten up a bit and tell us about dream systems.

Absolutely; here's my effort...!

Turntable - EAR Yoshino Master Disk £9000
Power Amplifier - McIntosh MC402 £7300
Pre-Amplifier - McIntosh C2300 £6700
Speakers - ART Deco 10 £8000
CD Player - Sugden Masterclass PDT4 £3150

Interconnect - Nordost Valhalla - £3300

Speaker Cable - Nordost Valhalla - £8000

Mains Filtering - Clearaudio Ultrafilter - £4000

Total cost: £41,450 and the rest can go on the electricity bill...

Simply the best! You could spend more on Deco 20 signature and leave the nordost out (vertex are better and cheaper imo) but all in all superb, well thought out system, spot
the record spot:

Absolutely; here's my effort...!

Turntable - EAR Yoshino Master Disk £9000
Power Amplifier - McIntosh MC402 £7300
Pre-Amplifier - McIntosh C2300 £6700
Speakers - ART Deco 10 £8000
CD Player - Sugden Masterclass PDT4 £3150

Interconnect - Nordost Valhalla - £3300

Speaker Cable - Nordost Valhalla - £8000

Mains Filtering - Clearaudio Ultrafilter - £4000

Total cost: £41,450 and the rest can go on the electricity bill...

Apply for the Chancellors least your sums add up and as a bonus, you have a little in reserve.
If only I hadn't left out the arm and cartridge guys...!

Maybe a used SME V and a Koetsu something-or-other if that partners well (and somehow still costs less than £8.5k!)?

Yeah, I'd fancy it as well to be fair, dreaming aside. The McIntosh gear is phenomenal and has an excellent phono stage onboard, hence the lack of an offboard one here.

I had fancied doing an all-Scottish high-end list, but the list was a bit too short for my liking - no disrespect to Linn, Tannoy, Atlas, Art, Ecosse, or even the venerable Strathclyde turntable. Still, McIntosh has a suitable ring to it to go with the suitably fat price tag and the Art Deco's fly the flag handsomely in any case!

Interested to read, incidentally, that Art was set up by two brothers who were involved with the family business who produced Systemdek turntable, also in Ayrshire.