The Ultimate Guide to Blu-ray: have your say!


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Apr 20, 2009
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Hi all,

Right, then – we’re about to start work on the new issue of the Ultimate Guide to Blu-ray. So, it’s time you lot had your say for the ‘Why Buy?’ feature at the front of the mag.

How would you sell Blu-ray to someone with both feet firmly planted in the standard-definition camp? What is it about the format that makes it so much better than DVD? And now, with HD projectors on the affordable side, is there even any need to go to the pictures any more?

Tell us about your first experience of watching a film in Full HD, on a proper, grown-up system, complete with uncompressed multichannel sound....

As ever, we’ll pick the best quotes and print them in the feature. The mag hits the shelves on October 22nd.

We’re looking forward to hearing about your experiences!