confused23 said:thanks for all the input everyone. it seems my options are even more than i thought which unfortunately means i'm still confused! also, just so you know what you're dealing with i'm not a 'he' i'm a 'she' which may or may not alter your idea of what is right for me?
in my dream world i find something with
1) great sound (more for music than anything else)
2) compact (no big speakers!)
3) under £750
4) able to work with my iTunes, my sky box and my dvd player
5) as i have sky and apple tv i have access to lots of radio stations so maybe don't need DAB etc
thanks so much. i've been talking to myself about this for months. nice to have people who have knowledge to talk to.
Given you have an Apple TV, and so could use Airplay for your iTunes library, I'd definitely keep my eye out for some used ADM9s if it was my £750.