The Linn DS / DSM thread

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To all Linn DS owners, I've just pulled the trigger on a Fleabay Akurate DSM going for a great price. Saw it late last night and thought 'life's too short!' What's more, my better half agreed!!! Will arrive early next week (all being well).

At present, got a Majik DSM of a similar age (2012) so I'm intrigued by the prospect of how it may sound in comparison. From what I've read, the Akurate is Linn's digital answer to the 'analogue' sound. I'll let you know. Any Akurate owners out there, would be interested to hear your own impressions.
Pedro2 said:
To all Linn DS owners, I've just pulled the trigger on a Fleabay Akurate DSM going for a great price. Saw it late last night and thought 'life's too short!' What's more, my better half agreed!!! Will arrive early next week (all being well).

At present, got a Majik DSM of a similar age (2012) so I'm intrigued by the prospect of how it may sound in comparison. From what I've read, the Akurate is Linn's digital answer to the 'analogue' sound. I'll let you know. Any Akurate owners out there, would be interested to hear your own impressions. 
IMO It's a good step up from the Majik.....I look forward to what you think.
Parcel Force kindly delivered the package earlier than expected (Saturday afternoon at 2:0pm) so the Akurate DSM was hastily installed.

First issue; Nord Power Amp would not switch back on (it's been left on for over a month now). After initial minor panic, blown plug fuse replaced and comforting blue light returned. Second issue; one channel not playing. Replaced interconnect that had fallen out on moving DSM back into unit and all was well. Sound now coming out of both speakers. Wonder how many other folk out there dread messing with their systems as re-connection always causes a problem?

Final issue; hearing not brilliant at the mo due to heavy summer cold. Also not in the mood for serious listening! Anyway, intial impressions are good. CNO correct in judging the ADSM as a step up from the MDSM. For want of a better description, it's easier to hear through layers of music which are presented as layers rather than more a 'blanket' of sound. Will attempt to give a better description of how my system sounds when my head is clearer and there's more time. It appears that the higher up the chain you go with Linn streamers, the nearer you get to quality 'analogue' sounds. I honestly won't be able to draw this comparison as I've no longer got vinyl playback equipment (so much regret dumping a Thorens TD160 many, many years ago!) What I will be able to do when time allows is to sit and listen over 3 or 4 hours. I'm looking forward to it....
Pedro2 said:
Parcel Force kindly delivered the package earlier than expected (Saturday afternoon at 2:0pm) so the Akurate DSM was hastily installed.

First issue; Nord Power Amp would not switch back on (it's been left on for over a month now). After initial minor panic, blown plug fuse replaced and comforting blue light returned. Second issue; one channel not playing. Replaced interconnect that had fallen out on moving DSM back into unit and all was well. Sound now coming out of both speakers. Wonder how many other folk out there dread messing with their systems as re-connection always causes a problem?

Final issue; hearing not brilliant at the mo due to heavy summer cold. Also not in the mood for serious listening! Anyway, intial impressions are good. CNO correct in judging the ADSM as a step up from the MDSM. For want of a better description, it's easier to hear through layers of music which are presented as layers rather than more a 'blanket' of sound. Will attempt to give a better description of how my system sounds when my head is clearer and there's more time. It appears that the higher up the chain you go with Linn streamers, the nearer you get to quality 'analogue' sounds. I honestly won't be able to draw this comparison as I've no longer got vinyl playback equipment (so much regret dumping a Thorens TD160 many, many years ago!) What I will be able to do when time allows is to sit and listen over 3 or 4 hours. I'm looking forward to it....

Good shout on the Akurate Pedro. I have spent the last couple of months considering next upgrade and have spent a good few hours demoing different setups. I am pretty much set on the Akurate DS (Exakt) with a Majik Exaktbox-i into the new Kudos Super 20a's as a fully Aktiv setup though I did consider the Akurate 6 channel Exaktbox with a 4200 also.

The Akurate is a major step up from the Majik so I am sure you'll enjoy it when you un-bung your lug 'oles *smile*

Let us know how it's going.
Pedro2 said:
It appears that the higher up the chain you go with Linn streamers, the nearer you get to quality 'analogue' sounds.
Whether you call it more musical, organic or's why I use and recommend Linn Streamers over other options.

Good job.
Still suffering from minor stuffed lugholes so waiting to fully appreciate the new purchase. Also waiting for a set of XLR leads to arrive (more about these later).
Paulq, your plans sound very interesting. Never heard a Linn Aktiv system but I'm sure they can deliver an amazing sound (at a price).
One thought in a completely different direction would be an Akurate feeding a pair of ATC SCM19ATs. They are the new active version of the SCM19s but come as towers rather than standmounts.
There's a review in the latest Hi Fi Choice where they pick up an 'Editor's Choice' rating with 5 stars across the board. I know I'm biased here but ATCs just seem to be the dogs doodars at the mo!
Have fun.
I bought a set of XLR to RCAs from Colin when I purchased the Nord as the Majik only has RCA (Nord only has XLR). I contacted him to ask whether I could do a swap for a pair of fully balanced now that I've got the Akurate and he said that I could have a pair FOC! So now waiting to try them in the system.

I wasn't aware of the Linn silvers but just checked out the price - around £200, so not bargain basement (but Linn never is!). Have you found them better than others you have tried? There's another thread going about XLRs with Van Damme's getting praised. I used to swap and change cables some years ago but settled on (quite inexpensive) ones that I liked before getting a bit bored with it all. Also found there was little space left under the bed for the redundant cable bag!
Pedro2 said:
I bought a set of XLR to RCAs from Colin when I purchased the Nord as the Majik only has RCA (Nord only has XLR). I contacted him to ask whether I could do a swap for a pair of fully balanced now that I've got the Akurate and he said that I could have a pair FOC! So now waiting to try them in the system.

I wasn't aware of the Linn silvers but just checked out the price - around £200, so not bargain basement (but Linn never is!). Have you found them better than others you have tried? There's another thread going about XLRs with Van Damme's getting praised. I used to swap and change cables some years ago but settled on (quite inexpensive) ones that I liked before getting a bit bored with it all. Also found there was little space left under the bed for the redundant cable bag!

I wouldn't pay £200, but it's worth keeping an eye on Ebay.

I hate telling other people whether an I/C is worth a certain amount of money....but FWIW I find them detailed and musical and work very well with Linn components.
Pedro2 said:
Still suffering from minor stuffed lugholes so waiting to fully appreciate the new purchase. Also waiting for a set of XLR leads to arrive (more about these later).
Paulq, your plans sound very interesting. Never heard a Linn Aktiv system but I'm sure they can deliver an amazing sound (at a price).
One thought in a completely different direction would be an Akurate feeding a pair of ATC SCM19ATs. They are the new active version of the SCM19s but come as towers rather than standmounts.
There's a review in the latest Hi Fi Choice where they pick up an 'Editor's Choice' rating with 5 stars across the board. I know I'm biased here but ATCs just seem to be the dogs doodars at the mo!
Have fun.

They are the dogs then, are the dogs now and will always be the dogs
CnoEvil said:
Pedro2 said:
I bought a set of XLR to RCAs from Colin when I purchased the Nord as the Majik only has RCA (Nord only has XLR). I contacted him to ask whether I could do a swap for a pair of fully balanced now that I've got the Akurate and he said that I could have a pair FOC! So now waiting to try them in the system.

I wasn't aware of the Linn silvers but just checked out the price - around £200, so not bargain basement (but Linn never is!). Have you found them better than others you have tried? There's another thread going about XLRs with Van Damme's getting praised. I used to swap and change cables some years ago but settled on (quite inexpensive) ones that I liked before getting a bit bored with it all. Also found there was little space left under the bed for the redundant cable bag!

I wouldn't pay £200, but it's worth keeping an eye on Ebay.

I hate telling other people whether an I/C is worth a certain amount of money....but FWIW I find them detailed and musical and work very well with Linn components.

I would if you can compare. MIT if you have a chance!
Kubs said:
Morning All,

Has anyone heard the new Linn Majik and can you share your thoughts and experiences?
Hello Kubs,
I believe that Paulq has the Majik DSM 2 which has the built in power amp.
I've just bought an Akurate DS second hand and will be selling my old Majik DSM 1 on Fleabay when I get round to it.
Cno is right, I believe in his liking for Linn streamers and their musical nature. They don't bash you around the ears but allow you to listen to music over extended periods without brain ache. Some might consider them too polite but when feeding decent amp and speakers, they will also rock with the best.
I compared Naim with the Linn a few years back and preferred Linn. Many would disagree so it's down to personal preference
Kubs said:
Morning All,

Has anyone heard the new Linn Majik and can you share your thoughts and experiences?

Hi Kubs

As Pedro mentioned I have the Majik DSM/2 and also compared it side by side with a number of other products notably the Naim Superuniti. I much prefer the presentation of the Linn and was careful to pair it with speakers that were equally as revealing and I am very happy with it.

I am however (and have been for a while) considering either taking the Majik Aktiv or Exakt and this would potentially mean an upgrade of the streamer to Akurate (though Majik is also an option). That's appealing in terms of the step up in quality and also less appealing in that the Akurate would inevitably mean more boxes. I am not against that but taking the Majik Aktiv/Exakt (and trust me you may want to eventually) is a very costly option that some would question the value of. I'm currently one of them in asking 'is it really worth the extra'?

The other option, as Pedro has done, is to stay passive and add in a quality power amp. The jury is out on whether the additional cost of Aktiv/Exakt is actually worth it over and above what is already a very capable system.

However, I digress. Your original query was around the MDSM/2. I was fortunate enough to be an MDSM/1 owner before that and whilst the difference is not night and day there certainly is one and I agree with Cno's appraisal of Linn streamers - they are excellent. Their amps can be a bit marmite and, if I am honest, are not their strongest point but there are ways around that.

In relation to that you'll need to be aware that the Linn claims of 90 wpc with the MDSM/2 are slightly misleading as that's into 4 ohm speakers (I think). Into 8 ohm speakers the output is around 50 wpc I think. Whist that's not massive I haven't experienced any issues at all with it driving my Kudos Super 20's despite many telling me the MDSM isn't 'good eough'. It sounds alright to me I can tell you!

I find the MDSM/2 to be incredibly musical and also immensely practical with its range of inputs. You will also find updating and controlling it an absolute doddle through Konfig (Linn's setup appilcation) and also Kazoo but there are others.

Tidal and Qobuz integration are also really good.

You'll read many varying opinions on the MDSM and Linn in general (you may have spotted that already). In relation to either my advice would be to ignore it, demo it extensively, and see what you think.

Then just buy it (just kidding).

PS: I made the assumption in writing the above that you were new to Linn. If you are not and are just interested in the MDSM then apologies but I hope you found it useful anyway.
Hi Paula and Pedro - thank you for sharing your thoughts and experiences - I've known of Linn but I'm new in regards to their products so this has been useful. Sounds like I need to go listen .... I'm interested in the difference between the majik and akurate.

I'm pleased with my amp - I'm currently toying with the idea of a speaker upgrade or replacing my DAC and streamer with a one box solution with the ultimate goal of achieving a 'better' sound.
Kubs said:
Hi Paula and Pedro - thank you for sharing your thoughts and experiences - I've known of Linn but I'm new in regards to their products so this has been useful. Sounds like I need to go listen .... I'm interested in the difference between the majik and akurate.

I'm pleased with my amp - I'm currently toying with the idea of a speaker upgrade or replacing my DAC and streamer with a one box solution with the ultimate goal of achieving a 'better' sound.

No problem at all - happy to help (as long as you stop calling me Paula - that's only on Sundays) *biggrin*
Hi all,

It appears that the latest Linn Klimax with Katalyst DAC technology is causing some ripples. Some are suggesting it's the best streamer out there. I have included some quotes from the (German) press below and believe there's a review in the latest HI Fi Plus

Bad news is the price; somewhere north of £15k!!!! Lottery win springs to mind.

"A technical miracle... We can’t rule out that what we measured wasn’t so much this player, but the limits of our measuring equipment’

"I’ve never seen a clean spectrum like this", marvelled one of our lab engineers…’’

‘’Just as it brought our lab equipment to its limits, the new Klimax opened new horizons in the listening room’’

‘’Our listening panel have heard quite a few excellent streamers and some near-perfect DACs. But what the Linn offered was a new quality’’

‘’The King is dead, long live the King!’’

‘’The new Klimax DS sits enthroned above its class. It’s the Sovereign.’’
CnoEvil said:
It might make the previous KDS (slightly) more affordable.

True! And the new DAC architecture may even trickle down the DS/DSM line in the future. Interesting times ahead. I may even forgive Linn for not including Spotify Connect on its streamers. On second thoughts, though.... No, I don't forgive them!
Pedro2 said:
CnoEvil said:
It might make the previous KDS (slightly) more affordable.

True! And the new DAC architecture may even trickle down the DS/DSM line in the future. Interesting times ahead. I may even forgive Linn for not including Spotify Connect on its streamers. On second thoughts, though.... No, I don't forgive them!

Do they all have dacs or is their one that sends only files to dac via usb like innous?
Andrewjvt said:
Pedro2 said:
CnoEvil said:
It might make the previous KDS (slightly) more affordable.

True! And the new DAC architecture may even trickle down the DS/DSM line in the future. Interesting times ahead. I may even forgive Linn for not including Spotify Connect on its streamers. On second thoughts, though.... No, I don't forgive them!

Do they all have dacs or is their one that sends only files to dac via usb like innous?

The all have DACs, but some options are attached to Integrated amps and others to a Pre.
CnoEvil said:
Andrewjvt said:
Pedro2 said:
CnoEvil said:
It might make the previous KDS (slightly) more affordable.

True! And the new DAC architecture may even trickle down the DS/DSM line in the future. Interesting times ahead. I may even forgive Linn for not including Spotify Connect on its streamers. On second thoughts, though.... No, I don't forgive them!

Do they all have dacs or is their one that sends only files to dac via usb like innous?

The all have DACs, but some options are attached to Integrated amps and others to a Pre.

Is there a model that can send files via usb? I doubt it now
CnoEvil said:
Andrewjvt said:
Is there a model that can send files via usb? I doubt it now

I don't think sort of defeats the purpose of a DS in the first place. 

Im looking whats available on the market to store all my cds on flac and send straight to dac via usb like the innous to see whats out.

So far the innous looks unique with the usb functionality.


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