peteAllen said:Okay, maybe I wasn't clear. What I mean is
Oppo blu-ray > coaxial digital out > focusrite saffire digital in > firewire > pc > saffire control software (captures digital in) > songcast > {ethernet} > linn ds
CnoEvil said:peteAllen said:Just about to join the Linn DS club! I will be getting a KDS Renew tomorrow. Also getting a Lenovo Yoga 10 as a controller to run BubbleDS. Can't wait!
Great stuff......let us know how it goes.
CnoEvil said:CnoEvil said:peteAllen said:Just about to join the Linn DS club! I will be getting a KDS Renew tomorrow. Also getting a Lenovo Yoga 10 as a controller to run BubbleDS. Can't wait!
Great stuff......let us know how it goes.
BTW How is it going?
TB303 said:Hello CHaps,
I'm considering getting on teh Linn DS bandwagon,
Possibly with a Majik DS or perhaps a Renew DS if I manage to find one at a good price.
I'm wondering if there's an upgraded version of the DS line due soon? They were last upgraded in 2012 (MDS/1 versions?) is this correct?
I woud'nt like to get somethign that'll become 'old' in a few months.
CnoEvil said:TB303 said:Hello CHaps,
I'm considering getting on teh Linn DS bandwagon,
Possibly with a Majik DS or perhaps a Renew DS if I manage to find one at a good price.
I'm wondering if there's an upgraded version of the DS line due soon? They were last upgraded in 2012 (MDS/1 versions?) is this correct?
I woud'nt like to get somethign that'll become 'old' in a few months.
The last "physical" upgrade to the DS itself was the addition of the Dynamik power supply, though there are constant firmware upgrades.
They also introduced the DSM, which allows it to become the hub of an entertainment system.....and in the case of the Sneaky / Majik DSM also includes an amp.
What is the rest of your system?
TB303 said:The rest of the system will be the A Classe Cap2100 integrated and a pair of B&W CM10, I'm thinking of getting the Majik DS, but there's a new CA Stream magic 8 coming out in September (?) for half teh price and I wonder if I shoudl get that and wait for the newer hardware versions of teh DS to coem out and maybe pick up a cheap Akurate or even a renew DS...?
TB303 said:But still, if the last hardware upgrade was in 2012, we can expect new versions soon no?
iQ Speakers said:Cno do you think it will be new hardware? ie new mother board, wireless, different DAC upscaling engine, different case or is it just a software upgrade? Edit just read you are not sure!
You should try one of these!
iQ Speakers said:Cno do you think it will be new hardware? ie new mother board, wireless, different DAC upscaling engine, different case or is it just a software upgrade? Edit just read you are not sure!
You should try one of these!
Pedro2 said:Hi Cno and all other Linn DS users,
Has anyone been able to make use of the new Konfig download feature 'Space'? It appears to add room correction control by allowing you to input your room dimensions matched to your speaker choice. Trouble is, the speaker choice is very limited at the mo although some common non-Linn speakers are included (e.g Kef LS50). No ATC at present which means I cannot test it.
Tried to post links for more information but triggered the spam filter!
Sorry if this information is old news.
CnoEvil said:Hi Paul
I think one of the big advantages of the new model is the full Linn "Space Optimisation", which I believe can make quite a difference...but haven't heard it first hand. Go and talk it over with your dealer and have a listen. I wouldn't be surprised if you enjoy the change back to Linn.
Paulq said:CnoEvil said:Hi Paul
I think one of the big advantages of the new model is the full Linn "Space Optimisation", which I believe can make quite a difference...but haven't heard it first hand. Go and talk it over with your dealer and have a listen. I wouldn't be surprised if you enjoy the change back to Linn.
Cheers Cno
It's a dilemma to be honest and I am contradicting myself at every turn in the process such is the extent of my indecision. I have been in touch with a few people today and the general consensus is that, whilst the MDSM is indeed a fine product, it only really comes to life when you add in decent power amplification. That was very much the case with the original MDSM I had which I used in conjunction with a non-Dynamik Majik 2100.
My options are that I can ditch the Naim kit which, to be fair, is pretty damn good in its own right, and buy/run a new MDSM on its own as that's pretty much all my budget will allow after the brain fart I had in rushing the Naim purchase anyway - a 2100 at this point would break the bank. As Robert Plant says: 'Nobody's Fault But Mine'.
I just know if I did that it would feel like I'd lost all ends up as I'd be moving the MDSM on next year and losing money again so the plan, at least for the last 10 minutes, is that I'll take the replacement Unitiqute2 and run that for about a year to save up. At that point I'll explore 2 options to begin with, maybe more:
1 - Naim NAC C272/NAP250.
2 - Linn Akurate DSM/Akurate2200.
both of which will cost a lot but I suspect will give me more than an incremental upgrade. It will also finally be good to hear them side by side running the same playlist and in the same room one after the other. I can't lose sight of the fact that the Naim kit I have is already pretty stunning in its own right - it's just very different to Linn but there are several upsides with it too.
So, looks like I am gonna have to eat my Credit Card and do what makes sense to the head if not the heart. .
If you happen to take a listen to the newest MDSM let me know - would be interested to hear what you think.
Infiniteloop said:Have you come across Lumin? - Touted as a 'Linn Killer' in some quarters.
No need to apologise for posting about a Linn DSM on a Linn DSM thread.Pedro2 said:Apologies to non-Linn users as you will no doubt be wondering why said manufacturer of quality (pricey?) equipment doesn't do the obvious thing and make Spotify available on the streamer. Maybe they will eventually?? Also apologies if you own a Linn streamer without the HDMI inputs as you need these for the stick to connect (so you will need to be a DSM owner).?