"Just like a pedophile, the word audiophile is defined as someone with an unhealthy attraction or interest in something"
That says it all: no, Rockwell, you small-minded bigot, the 'philia' bit purely means a love of something. It's from the Greek – you know, those guys who are all homosexual and live quite close to all the rag-heads in Eye-raq? You're reading the 'unhealthy attraction' thing in from your own misinterpretation, in order to draw your own distasteful analogy.
With such illiteracy around, is it any surprise people have been known to attack paediatricians?
This, and the apparently hilarious Daily Mash piece mentioned before, aren't funny or clever, and in very poor taste in the current climate. Hey, let's suggest people who are into hi-fi are just like kiddy-fiddlers, 'cos predatory paedophiles are a really rich source of humour, aren't they?