ric71 said:
Your going to hate my system then ha ha.
Hi Rich - looking forward to hearing it mate - especially your sub and how its been integrated and setup with ARC , Dont see why I would hate it mate, exepcting some deep bass goodness!!
It will be interested to hear a system with eq and no room treatment again. I will bring a few blu rays,and cds if you dont mind - you probs already got them but their ones I know well just in case.
Maybe I am wrong - Rich is going to show me I am
To the other 2
Its a mind set issue here I think - you both believe Audessey or similar to be of benefit to the overall sound - in that its a feature of the amp that improves the sound.
Well obviously it is a feature and may improve perceieved sound yet its not doing that overall. Really Audessey is there to try and piece together the errors in playback caused by the room / speaker placement, listening position etc. Therefore if there was no errors then there would be no need for Audessey at all - which is the best solution. Audessey will argue that equalising sounds best, of course they will - but none absotely none of the high end speaker, amp manufacturers etc have put eq into their kit with the exception of subs / bass. That is for a reason as its not best to eq.
These manufacturers actually think that its harmful to the overall sound to mess around with it
There is no such thing as a standard living room - every room is different, every room will have an impact on the sound its inevitable. Therefore to test a system in such a room and compare against others is not a fair test.
Fair play a reviewer can test at home and say yeah it sounds great and even better with Audessey turned on for example - but if thats in a bog standard living room then thats likely to be the case regardless so how is that a recommendation. Then that same reveiewer compares the sound to that of a Mcintosh system he reviewed recently - now chances are he's not heard anythign like the full mcintosh potential becuase the room hasnt let him - he is then making a honest but misleading comment in his review. Yeah he thinks the Nad sounds as good as the Mcintosh - but did he really hear the mcintosh at its best?
I obviously dont know for definate - just using it as an example from the nad review on hometheatreshack.
I can also say whole hearedly you dont need eq for a system to build a completely 3d soundstage around you that puts you right in there heart of things and presents the whole sound track with exacting precision. Its more than possible to get that without it if other conditions are right.
I didnt believe that this time a year or so ago but it is true.