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If someone could let me know how to post a picture, I'll put up a picture of my setup so you can see my placement issues.


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Jase, in the open comment field you simply click on the green tree symbol ("Insert/edit image") and a little window will pop up where you paste in the Image URL of the photo/graphic you wish to add. Either copy an already existing URL or upload your photo to an online host (Photobucket, Tinypic, Flickr etc) and grab the URL from there. You cannot upload the photo directy to this site.



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Jul 17, 2007
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Hey guys,

Setup my Apex last night and i was slightly dissapointed. The sound just wasnt' as open as i've had in the past. The fault most likely lays with my front two channels not being far apart enough. They sit on the wall roughly 2-3 inches either side of the tv. Bare in mind my tv is an ultra wide Phillips so not exactly small in width.

Gunna try open up the speakers another few inches tonight, see if that helps.

P.s. on a plus note, the sub is awesome :)

Any constructive suggestions are welcomed.


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Mar 15, 2011
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Thanks for the feedback atkins4725!

Personally I have no issues with the sound not being "open" or "large" enough, in fact that is probably one of the strongest attributes of Apex as far as I'm concerned, plus the "airy" and "lively" sound they produce. And my front trio of speakers are placed very closely together! Naturally what you expect to get depends greatly on your point of reference. But definitely allow them the running-in period they require (Monitor Audio say about 80-100 hrs, I say around 200 hrs) but most of all play around with placement if your room and decor allows that. Possibly look into the acoustic environment aswell. Maybe show us some pictures of your set-up and how the room is layed out.

Also, I take you have run the Audyssey calibration on your Marantz? All 6 or 8 measuringpoints? Remember to carefully re-calibrate after each change you make and especially after they are fully run-in. The effect Audyssey (and Dynamic EQ in particular) can have on the end-result is largely significant. It certainly has been on my Denon (and the Onkyo I recently tested).

BTW, it's funny hearing you say the subwoofer is awesome but the satellites a slight disappointment. For me it was the other way around as the subwoofer sounded rather "thick" and uncontrolled before it was fully run-in. Slowly it blossomed and started to impress a great deal.


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Jul 17, 2007
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I'll work on trying to get some pics uploaded, 1st attempt failed!

Audyssey was run before we watched the film last night. I'm used to having my previous floorstanders quite wide apart. Prior to the Apex i had some CM8s at home which i was considering buying, the mids & highs that are reproduced from those speakers are incredible. Maybe my ears also need to adjust to a another brands sound. I'll play around with the L&R channels tonight and see how i get on.

Thanks for the reply/help.


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Mar 15, 2011
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Not to worry, I'll do it for you :)

Look at that cute little baby to the right, hehe. That is not the AW-12 sub on the left though is it? I just remembered you had the RXW-12. Sorry, my mistake!



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Mar 15, 2011
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First, I'd advice taking the grilles off (and running Audyssey again!). Even if these are supposedly designed to affect the sound as little as possible (according to MA themselves) I'd think those might hold treble and "airy" details back a tad. I never care for grilles because they act like a veil in front of the speakers (never a good thing). Those B&W are nice, I've heard them a few times. I'd say they might be a tad "brighter" than the Apex, which are more smooth, though still highly detailed.

Let us know how you get on!


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Jul 17, 2007
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Ha, thanks. Thats correct the sub is the RXW-12. I'm slightly concerend that the speakers are to high. The wife was giving me jip about not having them any lower or dropping the L&R channels in line with the centre.

Ignore all the cables etc. All will be hidden and out of sight.


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Mar 15, 2011
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Right. Cables ignored! ;)

Your wifey might be on to something there. As for me (you might have seen my photos already?) well mine are placed slightly lower than ideal (which would be at ear height while seated) ontop my a/v cabinet and all three are aligned horizontally with each other. Works terrifically well in my room (easy to hide cables away too!). This kind of set-up does not suit everyone though (especially not if you have a little one running around touching everything... hehe).

As you can see the speakers are placed fairly close together aswell but the soundstage is way larger than what one might suspect just from viewing the photo. Also, I prefer to have the front "wall" of sound not too detached from the on-screen action (if that makes sense?) which I would probably get if I had them spread apart. Either way, my room is too small for that.



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Jul 17, 2007
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Yeah, I've seen your pic a while back and love it. I used it as an example to show the Mrs what the system looked like :)

Out of interest can we compare settings??

Crossovers are set as.... Front at 60hz, centre at 60hz and sub set to 80hz. Both fronts and centre set to small.



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May 27, 2010
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I second that, i really love Ricky's setup! And the speakers really go with his contemporay setup :)

Just an update for Ric71 and Ricky, i havent had a chance to setup my second AW12 yet, probably will do over the weekend. Will post my findings once i get setup.


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May 27, 2010
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@atkins4725 - give the speakers a chance to run in, you wont be disappointed, they'll sound better over time. May be re-run your speaker calibration again? Best to do it when its quiet and you can tweak it up if you need to afterwards.

The Apex has been the best sub/sat speaker system i've ever owned but thats how it sounds to my ears. This is my fourth package (after tirelessly trying other brands over the years) and i'll be sticking with the Apex for many years. The first system i owned many years ago was a Bose Accoustimass 15....yes i know....i too can't believe i just said that.... :cry:



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Mar 15, 2011
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Oy, thanks a bunch for those awesome comments! :grin: :grin: :grin:

I am planning slight changes to my room and set-up but it'll be a while coming! ;)

Gotta tell you gosahl I was just about to post asking where your feedback was on your dual subwoofer installation! Can hardly wait, hehe. Have you already picked a spot to test first? However happy I am with the result on my side of things hopefully you won't be too limited by placement options as I am in my room.


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atkins4725 said:
Out of interest can we compare settings??

Crossovers are set as.... Front at 60hz, centre at 60hz and sub set to 80hz. Both fronts and centre set to small.

As a general recommendation, 'small' and 80Hz cut-off frequency for all satellite speakers works best for most users. That is also a common recommendation for lots of speakers in home cinema set-up's, regardless of their physical size. I'm using that setting myself, even though the Audyssey calibration set my A40 center to 60Hz. I think that is because 1) it goes deeper than the smaller A10 2) it's low frequency reproduction gets a boost because of placement close to the tv. That latter reason might also be why your calibration set yours to 60Hz as your speakers are placed close to the wall.

If you haven't done so already I would also advice reading up a bit on Audyssey on their homepage. I've learned alot on how Audyssey works and how sensitive the calibration procedure actually is and how much it can differ from doing it half-cocked and doing it right (dead silence = A MUST! tripod = A MUST! the list goes on...). They got great amounts of tips and FAQ's over there awsell.

Audyssey themselves tend to recommend leaving the frequency cut-off the way the calibration sets it, because that is how the speakers happen to measure in your particular room. But I say this: USE YOUR EARS! Simply experiment by changing the cut-off frequency upwards to 70Hz, 80Hz etc after you've run your calibration. As you know the trick is to get the best possible blend with the subwoofer and have that "airy" reproduction coming from the satellites without them sounding "thick" trying to reproduce frequencies they are not comfortable with (or even meant to).


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Jul 17, 2007
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Ok, cheers for the info.

I repositioned the front L&R channels a few inches wider late this afternoon and straight away the sound is so much sweeter. (not as muddled, much clearer).

Now to re-run Audyssey and maybe a few tweak :-D


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Mar 20, 2012
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Sunil> you can use screws leght what you want, but minimum 40mm, pay atention that screws "head" must fit to Apex brackets recesus..i used 60mm screws..

Atkins>i like your TV very much:)super..but i will buy Panasonic plasma >)


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Mar 15, 2011
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atkins4725 said:
Ok, cheers for the info.

I repositioned the front L&R channels a few inches wider late this afternoon and straight away the sound is so much sweeter. (not as muddled, much clearer).

Now to re-run Audyssey and maybe a few tweak :-D

Great! :grin: See how small changes can have a large effect ;)

Keep us posted!


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Mar 9, 2010
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I have my Apex A10's crossed at 80hz and my A40 is crossed at 100hz. All set by Anthem Room Correction. The A40 is crossed higher as their is a sip in in the frequency response due to its position under the TV but ARC has smoothed most of this out.

@ gosalh looking forward to your findings. Give me a shout over on AVFORUMS


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Mar 15, 2011
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ric71, I'm hungry for more details on your experience with the added A5 amp. Do the Apex sound even "bigger" now? Have your soundstage grown any in depth, width etc? And how are you finding improvements in musicality thanks to the added smoothness you mentioned?

I hope to audition Apex with an Integra DHC-80.3 processor and NuForce MCH-300SEC7 multichannel amplifier as soon as my dealer hooks it up in the demoroom. Stellar stuff, I'm thinking!


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Mar 9, 2010
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Hi Ricky,

Since adding the A5 the Apex have opened up,the detail is unnerving at times and by that I mean with both movies and music I have had to mute the volume and check it wasn't a knock at my front door or my cat jumping up at something. The realism is incredible. I can turn the volume up to seriously high volumes but all remains composed. I am very very impressed with the Apex. To improve on this I would have to spend some serious cash which I don't have. When I purchased the A5 from my Anthem dealer, the home cinema centre, I was asked which speakers I was using,they laughed at how brilliant it was that I was bolting on an A5 with the Apex as they know the Apex would sound awesome and not many people would do this. Music is brilliant, its the detail and airiness and i have to admit the bass is nuts with the Sub15. It shows that the Apex can be paired with top quality amplification.

Ps posted from my iPhone5 damn it's fast!!!


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