First of all; congrats Chord_Freak to an excellent choice in speakers! Can't wait to hear more of your feedback! And yes, to see more photos! But gosh, you read every single post in this thread?
:O :O :O
Never heard those floorstanding Monitor Audios of yours, but I'm sure there might be similarities between those and Apex, given Monitor Audio have a 'signature' soundcharacter of sorts on all their stuff. As a pure stereo-pair the A10's may not be able to reach the same level of "pressure" or "depth" as floorstanders would, though I'm sure you don't expect them to. I never listen to any Apex speaker in isolation (stereo 2.0 or even 2.1), not even with music as I always use the full set through a DSP mode (5 Channel Stereo in my case) to surprisingly great effect. I find that a system like this absolutely needs to play together at all times to really shine. Pure preference issue.
As you've read this entire thred you might have seen some of my reviews on different amps/receivers, though I never tested any Yamaha's with Apex. I'm sure they are capable though, if you prefer their sound. And you need not worry about space - Apex seem very comfortable in most any size room it seems. Mine is quite small, but I've heard them at my dealer who have a listeningroom 3 times bigger (!) and they are equally engrossing and capable. Just make sure you place them carefully of course. They deserve that.
In terms of your Chord cable, it may he hard to justify wiring your entire system with that one but why not try it out first before selling it? The internal cable of the stands get to me a bit, to be frank. Mixing cables is seldom good.