The Apex Club

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Cant comment on the amp but I used to run Radius R225HD's and when I upgraded to the Apex it was a massive improvement. The Apex do thrive on top notch amplification but should sound great with what you have.
Has anybody tried using an A10 as a centre speaker? I'm trying to downsize and the centre that comes with the system is quite big
Monkeyboy10 said:
Has anybody tried using an A10 as a centre speaker? I'm trying to downsize and the centre that comes with the system is quite big

I will be next week when i pick up mine 🙂

Good choice. IMO it matches well with the Apex. I have the Denon AVR A100 which is essentially the same as the 4311. The combination sound perfect to my ears. The Denon sounds warm with the Apex and has lots of clarity, punch, deep and controlled bass

I'd be interested to hear your feedback/experience once you have tested your system with the 4311.
gosalh> i'll write about my experience with 4311 🙂 my "test"movie will be "The expendables" >) i think it will drive my Apex speakers better than lx-83
greedy said:
gosalh> i'll write about my experience with 4311 🙂 my "test"movie will be "The expendables" >) i think it will drive my Apex speakers better than lx-83

Good choice greedy! :clap: I have to say right off the bat that your new Denon model (with carefully calibrated Audyssey) will most def get more out of the Apex than the Pioneer. As you may have read I tested both the LX-83 and LX-85 at home and each were lackluster performance-wise with Apex in comparison with Denon + Audyssey. Then again, I simply prefer this sound.
Just looking at getting some for a set of rears to accompany my new GX100 and GXC150 Centre front 3.

I am a recent convert to MA and its been listening to the Apex that has done it - very fast, punchy little speakers - very impressive with the right source

Get the LX83 setup right with the Apex and its certainly not lack lustre -quite the opposite
ellisdj said:
Get the LX83 setup right with the Apex and its certainly not lack lustre -quite the opposite

I applaud those who manage to get their Pioneers to sing with the Apex. Neither with the LX-83 or 85 did I ever manage that task no matter how carefully I calibrated, re-calibrated, tweaked or ran them in. Either it's as simple as me not liking their character and approach to reproduction or 20 years of receiver-experience went out the window and I severely missed something when setting them up. Then again, I've made no secret of the fact that I'm a fan of Audyssey and it's Dynamic EQ, which the Pioneer naturally does not employ. I believe it's what makes all the difference for me.
RickyDeg said:
ellisdj said:
Get the LX83 setup right with the Apex and its certainly not lack lustre -quite the opposite

I applaud those who manage to get their Pioneers to sing with the Apex. Neither with the LX-83 or 85 did I ever manage that task no matter how carefully I calibrated, re-calibrated, tweaked or ran them in. Either it's as simple as me not liking their character and approach to reproduction or 20 years of receiver-experience went out the window and I severely missed something when setting them up. Then again, I've made no secret of the fact that I'm a fan of Audyssey and it's Dynamic EQ, which the Pioneer naturally does not employ. I believe it's what makes all the difference for me.

I have to admit it is down to personal taste, and as much as i liked my Denon did not like the Dynamic EQ.

The Denon was not used with my Apex speakers.

The Pioneer / Apex comination has a very clean and forward sound (not bright) which not everyone will like (as you do not), but please demo before dismissing the Pioneer (not you Ricky).
michael hoy said:
RickyDeg said:
ellisdj said:
Get the LX83 setup right with the Apex and its certainly not lack lustre -quite the opposite

I applaud those who manage to get their Pioneers to sing with the Apex. Neither with the LX-83 or 85 did I ever manage that task no matter how carefully I calibrated, re-calibrated, tweaked or ran them in. Either it's as simple as me not liking their character and approach to reproduction or 20 years of receiver-experience went out the window and I severely missed something when setting them up. Then again, I've made no secret of the fact that I'm a fan of Audyssey and it's Dynamic EQ, which the Pioneer naturally does not employ. I believe it's what makes all the difference for me.

I have to admit it is down to personal taste, and as much as i liked my Denon did not like the Dynamic EQ.

The Denon was not used with my Apex speakers.

The Pioneer / Apex comination has a very clean and forward sound (not bright) which not everyone will like (as you do not), but please demo before dismissing the Pioneer (not you Ricky).

You are quite likely right, Mr Hoy
As you already know I gave both those machines a fair shot. I would gladly have replaced my Denon had I felt the Pioneer delivered what I was personally hoping for. But I know of lots of users who are pleased with the Pioneer/Apex combo, in the same manner you are, and that's great. For the record, I hope to test the Onkyo TX-NR5009 at home soon.

BTW Michael, you are still using your Denon 2500 blu-ray transport? I use to own that tank of a machine too! Since you are so pleased with your Pioneer have you considered their matching players so you can utilize the jitter-free PQLS-feature? Feels like you might be missing out?
RickyDeg said:
You are quite likely right, Mr Hoy
As you already know I gave both those machines a fair shot. I would gladly have replaced my Denon had I felt the Pioneer delivered what I was personally hoping for. But I know of lots of users who are pleased with the Pioneer/Apex combo, in the same manner you are, and that's great. For the record, I hope to test the Onkyo TX-NR5009 at home soon.

BTW Michael, you are still using your Denon 2500 blu-ray transport? I use to own that tank of a machine too! Since you are so pleased with your Pioneer have you considered their matching players so you can utilize the jitter-free PQLS-feature? Feels like you might be missing out?

I do still have the 2500, and it is a fantastic piece of kit. My main player at the moment is the OPPO 95, I do use it as a universal player as it is meant to be used for.

Not considered the Pioneer players, read about too many issues with these.

Let me know how you get on with the Onkyo.
Hi Ricky,

I'd be interested to know your thoughts on the Onkyo TX-NR5009 once you test it out at home. It's a beast of a machine and has Audyssey XT32
. There's a great video on youtube

And ditto on the Pioneer/Apex combo. I tested a LX-83 a while back and it was too bright for my ears. Denon seemed to fit the bill. I started off with a 3311, temptation kicked in
and i put that on ebay and moved onto my beloved A100
Very awaiting RickyDeg tx-nr5009 home test 🙂 this must be Venom GT in the desert :twisted:

I bet, that Ricky will keep Onkyo monster in his house forever 🙂UTUBe video - tx-nr5009 performing
greedy said:
Very awaiting RickyDeg tx-nr5009 home test 🙂 this must be Venom GT in the desert :twisted:

I bet, that Ricky will keep Onkyo monster in his house forever 🙂UTUBe video - tx-nr5009 performing

HA! Cute little video! Complete with Mr Potatohead and Woody

You were interested in the 5009 yourself, were you not greedy? We shall see if I'll be "driving Venom GT in the desert" when I get it home for testing. Of course I'm picky as hell (I just know what kind of 'sound' I like). In the store it seemed to do good things for Apex though.
gosalh said:
Hi Ricky,

I'd be interested to know your thoughts on the Onkyo TX-NR5009 once you test it out at home. It's a beast of a machine and has Audyssey XT32
. There's a great video on youtube

And ditto on the Pioneer/Apex combo. I tested a LX-83 a while back and it was too bright for my ears. Denon seemed to fit the bill. I started off with a 3311, temptation kicked in
and i put that on ebay and moved onto my beloved A100

Hey gosalh, been a while! Hope summer is treating you great so far! Looking forward to testing the Onkyo. Had a few promising demos at my dealer. But as we know store demos are one thing, home demos another. Mostly looking forward to exploring Audyssey XT32 (dual sub calibration!), the powerful amplification and the PLL jitter-cleaning feature (I only use digital sources).

To be honest though, I'm still kinda kicking myself I didn't splurge for the A100 when I had the chance last year. You are lucky to own one! Sorry if I've asked you this before, but you employ Dynamic EQ in your machine, right? It's my understanding that XT32 offers more flexible level-settings of the EQ? It's obvious I've been missing this loudness function and what it does to multichannel reproduction in all the other machines I've tested. It's hard to live without.

Also, out of curiosity, have you considered adding a second AW-12 subwoofer to your system?

PS! Thanks for the little video, had not seen it prior!
Hi Ricky,

Ive just added a Paradigm Studio Sub15 to my Apex and it is a fantastic combination. Just shows how good the Apex are. Now saving for an Anthem Statement A5 amp which will sound excellent with the Apex.
RickyDeg>yes i'm very interested in tx-nr5009.But i ordered avr-4311.i think i'll be happy with it..If i can offer i will go- AVP-A1HDA + POA-A1HD >)
ric71 said:
Hi Ricky,

Ive just added a Paradigm Studio Sub15 to my Apex and it is a fantastic combination. Just shows how good the Apex are. Now saving for an Anthem Statement A5 amp which will sound excellent with the Apex.

Oy, truly awesome to hear that ric71! Never listened to Paradigm as there's no distributor in my country these days. Seem to remember reading good things about their subs though.

Seems you've become quite the Anthem fan nowadays thanks to the MRX300 huh? Damn how I wish the MRX700 would have done the trick for me, but it just didn't (if so, I probably would have kept it). With such high-end gear as a Statement amp you'd be all set for extravagant Apex-bliss I'm thinking. Apart from trying out the Onkyo TX-NR5009 next I've also been interested in going with separates, but just don't know yet......
greedy said:
RickyDeg>yes i'm very interested in tx-nr5009.But i ordered avr-4311.i think i'll be happy with it..If i can offer i will go- AVP-A1HDA + POA-A1HD >)

Well it's no wild guess the separates AVP-A1HDA + POA-A1HD will be in a different league compared to both AVR-4311 and TX-NR5009!

Yeah really impressed with the Anthem/Paradigm stuff. Shame you didn't get on with the MRX 700. I think you will love the XT32 room EQ though.
Hey Ricky,

Yeah im fine thanks. Hope you're doing well my friend.

With the A100, i definetly use Dynamic EQ, it gives the system more life. I've always used it and if i do turn it off, the system starts to sound bland.

You'll love the XT32, of all the audio calibration systems i've tested, Audyssey has been the best one hands down and XT32 is a big step up from the standard Multeq XT IMO. In terms of fine tuning XT32, i have only ever seen the same settings as Multeq XT unless i've missed something on the receiver. So you have the option to have it set with Audyssey XT32, Flat etc, and then the usual manual tweaks to the channel levels etc to bypass the settings on the automatic setup.

The A100 works very well with the Apex and as a testimony to its abilities.....i tested the DACs on my Oppo 95 using the stereo outs on the Oppo via balanced XLR to RCA and tested my CDs. The Oppo sounded good but nothing beats the A100. The A100 Sounds much richer with more clarity than the Oppo thanks to the Audyssey function and general architecture of the system.

Here's a link to an authorised Denon dealer for the A100 if you're still interested, seems to be going very cheap

Its the last one they stock so hurry if you want to get your hands on one!

gosalh> why A100 is better than 4311?100th anniversary block condensers?Maybe they are identical except design?Does A100 sound better?
@ greedy

Off the top of my head i think they employ better DACs, the parts are better quality than the 4311, the chassis is different too (i think the A100 is bigger in depth and has a glossy finish with a gold anniversary badge), the feet are made of lead for jitter free, comes with a 5 year warranty and the factory certificate signed by the engineer who built it by hand (supposedly) make it sound fancy.


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