The Apex Club

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An old favourite that sounds great on the Apex's is 'Private Ryan' - the beach landing scene is incredibly dramatic. 'Thor', 'Ironman (1 and 2)' also seat shaking.
Also, if you like musicals, one that gives the Apex's a great workout due to Christina's incredible vocal power is'Burlesque'.
Another, if you like Adele, is get a hold of her concert at the Royal Albert Hall on bluray - absolutely amazing sound through the Apex's.
Hi ,maybe someone watched "Apocalypse Now". this scene is crazy with Apex🙂
Julian_b said:

Gosalh An old favourite that sounds great on the Apex's is 'Private Ryan' - the beach landing scene is incredibly dramatic. 'Thor', 'Ironman (1 and 2)' also seat shaking. Also, if you like musicals, one that gives the Apex's a great workout due to Christina's incredible vocal power is'Burlesque'. Another, if you like Adele, is get a hold of her concert at the Royal Albert Hall on bluray - absolutely amazing sound through the Apex's. Enjoy....

Agree with all of the above, I had not really taken to Adele before but the concert is a treat to the ears.

Another one is Sting Live in Berlin.
Oh yes, and let's not forget - Batman - Dark Knight - incredible sound too! Can't credit Heath Ledger's phenomenal performance to the Apex set up but the vocal capability of the A40 does help there too..... :clap:
Folks just quick note on how good these APEX satellite speakers are.

Family where out so decided to watch a suitably bombastic movie at high volume. Suckerpunch was movie chosen and I was enjoying it immensely. However towards the end I could not help but think it should have had a little more bass impact, at which stage I discovered my subwoofer (B&W PV1) had expired.

I suspect it's been dead for quite some time as I had been subconsciously ramping up volume to higher than normal levels for a while now (I assumed my hearing was deteriating with age).

All credit to amazing abilities of the the APEX's (Admittedly setup as 'Large' on my amp) to deliver over such a wide frequency range, to the extent it took a while to identify the fact that the SW had died. My previous sats would have never pulled of that trick.

So all in all - Sad, my Subwoofer died - A little embarrassed, I did not notice - Amazed, APEX's capable of delivering great overall sonic performance regardless
shanej66 said:
Folks just quick note on how good these APEX satellite speakers are.

Family where out so decided to watch a suitably bombastic movie at high volume. Suckerpunch was movie chosen and I was enjoying it immensely. However towards the end I could not help but think it should have had a little more bass impact, at which stage I discovered my subwoofer (B&W PV1) had expired.

I suspect it's been dead for quite some time as I had been subconsciously ramping up volume to higher than normal levels for a while now (I assumed my hearing was deteriating with age).

All credit to amazing abilities of the the APEX's (Admittedly setup as 'Large' on my amp) to deliver over such a wide frequency range, to the extent it took a while to identify the fact that the SW had died. My previous sats would have never pulled of that trick.

So all in all - Sad, my Subwoofer died - A little embarrassed, I did not notice - Amazed, APEX's capable of delivering great overall sonic performance regardless

too bad your subwoofer died. That cant be fun.

You are obviously pleased with what you are hearing right now, but I would highly recommend not driving the Apex as 'large' or 'fullrange' in any circumstance, which most people would advice against (including Monitor Audio themselves). These speakers are definitely not meant to be forced to recreate low-frequencies that they simply cannot muster in an ideal manner. Also, you are likely "clogging" other delicate frequencies by overloading the speakers with too much information.

Your amp/receiver might also be working up a sweat trying to drive the Apex this way, as oppose to sharing the duty with a subwoofer. In my set-up they sound best set as 'small' with the crossover at 80Hz (anything under that is handled by my AW-12 sub). I have experimented with lowering that crossover but they sound pressured and less comfortable with a subdued sense of 'air' and a compressed soundstage. Overloading ANY speaker (regardless of size) is seldom a good thing. Lets say you also re-direct the LFE-channel to the satellites it might take the strain over the top.

Hope you'll have the possibility to get a new subwoofer. Perhaps the matching AW-12, as it really is the most ideal partner when you want a near-seamless blend with the satellites.

Most importantly is ofcourse that you are happy with the results!
Whoops did not mean to start the 'Large' vs 'Small' debate again.

Understand the arguments fully and agree with you wholeheartedly - 'in principle'.

However with my setup 'Large' sounded much better i.e. to a degree that could not be ignored (hmmm maybe an early indicator of sub on its way out).
Sorry to hear your Sub has died - an opportunity to switch to the matched Sub maybe. Though the A40's are amazing for their size there is no way they can handle those low frequencies that a film like 'Sucker Punch' requires when set in large, small or miracle mode.
Have fun with the hunt for a new Sub - I'd add a vote for the SW12 too - love the sound, look and synchronisation.

On a separate point 'Sucker Punch' also has a fab soundtrack that is amazing on the the Apex's (with the sub working) 😉
shanej66 said:
Whoops did not mean to start the 'Large' vs 'Small' debate again.

Understand the arguments fully and agree with you wholeheartedly - 'in principle'.

However with my setup 'Large' sounded much better i.e. to a degree that could not be ignored (hmmm maybe an early indicator of sub on its way out).


It is a can of worms, yes?
Hi all, still trying to enjoy my system when I can.. but I have blonde roots and cannot figure out how to do this so I hope someone can help me out on my Denon 4311:

My daughter is playing a video game with terrible music. I would like her to be able to continue playing while my system plays proper music for me. Is this possible (i.e. video output from a game device, sound from another source) ?

(Unpublished by mods - duplicate)
Hi all, still trying to enjoy my system when I can.. but I have blonde roots and cannot figure out how to do this so I hope someone can help me out on my Denon 4311:

My daughter is playing a video game with terrible music. I would like her to be able to continue playing while my system plays proper music for me. Is this possible (i.e. video output from a game device, sound from another source) ?
Great thread, never thought I'd read 45 pages of any thread, but have with this one!

Well Im picking up my Apex system today (A40 & 4x A10s). Looking forward to a great weekend of listening.

:bounce: :dance:

I am upgrading from Mordaunt Short Alumni System, which are very clear and crisp, but too crisp for my liking.

Im going to be running them with a Onkyo 607, because Ive basically done my balls on the speakers!

So just a quickie couple of questions...

How much am I going to loose running them on the 607, also when I eventually upgrade the amp, doubt I will have more than £600 to spend on it.

What do you guys think about that?

Also has anyone heard the MA Shadows? How do they compare to the apex?

Thanks in Advance
Great thread, never thought I'd read 45 pages of any thread, but have with this one!

Well Im picking up my Apex system today (A40 & 4x A10s). Looking forward to a great weekend of listening.

:bounce: :dance:

I am upgrading from Mordaunt Short Alumni System, which are very clear and crisp, but too crisp for my liking.

Im going to be running them with a Onkyo 607, because Ive basically done my balls on the speakers!

So just a quickie couple of questions...

How much am I going to loose running them on the 607, also when I eventually upgrade the amp, doubt I will have more than £600 to spend on it.

What do you guys think about that?

Also has anyone heard the MA Shadows? How do they compare to the apex?

Thanks in Advance
Ghostdriver said:
Great thread, never thought I'd read 45 pages of any thread, but have with this one!

Well Im picking up my Apex system today (A40 & 4x A10s). Looking forward to a great weekend of listening.

:bounce: :dance:

I am upgrading from Mordaunt Short Alumni System, which are very clear and crisp, but too crisp for my liking.

Im going to be running them with a Onkyo 607, because Ive basically done my balls on the speakers!

So just a quickie couple of questions...

How much am I going to loose running them on the 607, also when I eventually upgrade the amp, doubt I will have more than £600 to spend on it.

What do you guys think about that?

Also has anyone heard the MA Shadows? How do they compare to the apex?

Thanks in Advance

No small feat reading this entire thread :clap: Eyes tired much? 😉

I'm confident you'll find Apex to perform substantially better than both the Alumni and Monitor Audio's own Shadows. These speakers are absolute gems, and with the 'right' amp they are remarkably capable at both movies and music! I have not heard your particular Onkyo but this much is certain; the better quality amp you put behind the wheel the more you will discover what Apex are capable of. I have recently heard a demo at my favorite dealer with the Onkyo TX-NR5009 and it was a KNOCK-OUT! I've also heard a demo consisting of high-end Anthem Statement processor + amplifier (5-figure prices) and the Apex continued to reveal more qualities. They are somewhat transparent and thus will show off any upgrade you make. Just start off with what you got right now and down the line you can always upgrade amplification and/or processing.

Let us know your feedback! Always fun to read!

Just remember these need 100's of hours of 'running-in' (as you may already have read)

Well Ive had a couple of demos with them, but nothing beats putting them in your own home, to hear them with the accoustics your ears are used to, with content you know back to front...

And yes I was blown away. As others have said, they sound better then many (not all) highly rated full sized speakers. Its more than that though, for me the most impressive part of the Apex listening experience is the fact that there is so much vivd detail in the sound stage (a beautifully balanced sound stage too), yet its smooth detail. Not harsh or in your face, more natural and articulate. They also seem to help the sub out when things get hairy, loud and low (Im running a BK XLS200) by merging the frequencies that usually go missing between a sub and satellite speakers.

If the Apex were a girl, she'd be stunningly beautiful, a pleasure to listen to and totally down to earth. But also a complete minx in the bedroom when its time to get loud & dirty.

But enough of my Swiss Tony impressions, suffice to say that it will be a long while before I give up these babies!
Oh and the Amp question I posed earlier...

Had a demo of the Pioneer vjx2021 with the Apex yesterday @ T-Audio. Was good, but I didnt really feel it was that much better than my present amp. It was really hard to put my finger on it. Its like the sounds were sounding better and clearer but not merging into something special.

I possibly was expecting alot more from a £600 amp I think. On the evidence of yesterday Im going to stay with my present setup and get a much higher quality amp at a much later time. The Apex has breathed new life into my old amp, so I will just enjoy it, till I next contract a case of upgraditus.
I'm going to be running my Apex with a Paradigm Studio Sub 15,that's how good they are in my room!!!
Julian_b said:
So Ricky - is there an AV solution you are tempted with that could see your trusty Denon being switched out?

Thanks for asking Julian, because it is indeed a good question. Having carried out so many at-home tests of different brands and models the last year I'm still baffled. The in-store demo I had with Onkyo TX-NR5009 was very impressive! But I am also looking at going with separates (Primare or Nuforce poweramp + Onkyo processor). Will definitely post here when/if I test any of these. I'm guessing you are more than pleased still with your Yamaha model?
Hi Ricky - yes still loving the Yamaha with the Apex's - a really great sound with movies and music. Thanks for the tip with music through 5.1 or 7.1 btw. Obviously mine is 5.1 but still terrific.

Am really enjoying the the quality of sound that I'm getting from FLAC files on my Vortexbox Appliance wired through my network and through the DAC's (Burr Brown PCM 1796's) in the Yamaha.

Choosing the right AV/speaker combination is so personal and a bit of minefield sometimes. I've owned a couple of Yamaha's in the past so was familiar enough with the Yamaha sound that I felt I could take the risk in moving away from my old Cambridge AV, without auditioning through the Apex's (no dealer combination available in Singapore though the MA dealer - the only one - also said there would be no problem with Yamaha). Interestingly, I felt the sound had moved from just 'warm' to a little more forward than that of old - to a place that I like but doubt I'd like if it went much further. I was in my local MA dealer on Saturday and someone who'd just purchased an Onkyo 809 was complaining he had made the wrong choice as the sound was way too forward and aggressive so he tired of listening very quickly. He was thinking through his options....

Wish you luck with your contemplation of an interesting home test - especially given the sound profile you are used too with the Denon is closer to the Yamaha too. So will wait with interest to fuel future upgrade thinking.....😉
RickyDeg, can you say more comments about tx-nr5009 sound with Apex?Is this amp sounding "warm" or more "neutral"?you think is better sounding than your Denon? 🙂If so, what advantages you hear in the Onkyo sound?I'm very interesting about this amp, but in my country dealers doesnt have tx-nr5009 for demo..they have 3009 but they can give me to take home to my Apex setup..
greedy said:
RickyDeg, can you say more comments about tx-nr5009 sound with Apex?Is this amp sounding "warm" or more "neutral"?you think is better sounding than your Denon? 🙂If so, what advantages you hear in the Onkyo sound?I'm very interesting about this amp, but in my country dealers doesnt have tx-nr5009 for demo..they have 3009 but they can give me to take home to my Apex setup..

Sadly I did not have a sample at home for testing, I've listened to a set-up at my dealer only, thought I've done it twice now with a variety of sourcematerial and I'm much impressed. Can never form a correct opinion unless I've tested it at home though, but I will say this: much thanks to the more advanced Audyssey in this model there are clear benifits over my Denon that only has the simpler version. For one, the subwoofers (they were using two AW-12, just like I do in my livingroom) had real depth and grunt but with zero 'overhang' - the low frequencies had incredible presence and were very well integrated into the entire listeningroom. Also, I noticed an even more lively soundstage with well-spread details over a large listening area. This was evident even during low-medium volume, which was great. Music was brilliant too (in 5-channel stereo). I'd say this one had a more 'neutral' character but it never came off as analytical, which is good for Apex I believe. My Denon may have that 'warmer' character, which I do appreciate aswell. I'm not sure this machine would be as good without Audyssey, but that's just cause I personally like what that system brings to the table (with 'Dynamic EQ' engaged).

I would definitely go for the 5009 if I were you. Slightly more power only, yes, but I believe it also has a better powertransformer and DAC's than the smaller brother.

Let me know if you buy it how it performs in your home!
RickyDeg, thank you for your comments..When i buy my new receiver i'll write about my experience🙂I think it will be avr-4311( because now can get at very good price) or tx-nr5009

Have had MA Radius 7.1 system for about 5 plus years, 3 x HD250's for front centre ,left and right channels and 4 x HD 90's as rear sat's. Am running a Pioneer LX53 amp and am thinking of upgrading to the lx55. Would it make more sence to upgrade the speaker package to 3x A40's amd 4 x A10's. I already have an RSW12 SUB. Any thoughts ???


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