S83 Trike said:I am already using a £500 amp driving a pair of £1000 speakers, not too sure selling the speakers and replaing with some costing £1500 -£2000 and still using the Cambridge CXA 60 amp would be a good idea?
The Cambridge is a good amp but not that good! Would I really get the full benefits of a £2000 speaker using a £500 amp?
youd get better sq improvements with a speaker change with your amp, which Is what you are trying to achieve, than you would with an amp between £500 and £1k. maybe not the full benefits of a £2000 speaker, but you could always change the amp later too. If you are spending £1000 versus £500 amp you already have, you won’t get a massive improvement in a new amp. I wouldn’t just accept people’s recomendations too just because they own the stuff.