System Lacks Life. What to change?


New member
Aug 10, 2019

For many years I've dreaming of getting my hands on a pair of B&W 805S, inspired by all the excellent reviews on WhatHiFi. Living in Mozambique, you can imagine this task to be close to impossible.

Now that I finally managed to accomplish this dream, I am a little disappointed at the sound, especially regarding dynamics and life (musicality) of the resulting sound. The sound is indeed clear and integrated, but something is missing, making it dull and leading me to switch off and go to sleep, when I should be graciously enveloped and grabbed almost to the point of forgetting to go to bed.

The other parts of the system are a Plinius 9200 and a Denon DCD-510AE. I realize the CD player belongs to a lower league but before I embark on new ordeal sourcing for a new CD player, I have to make sure the problem resides there and that I choose the correct player. No second change. I read that the Cyrus CD8SE is very musical and it is a winner. Could this be the lacking piece?

Could you enlighten me with your expert advice and help me make the right choice?

Kind Regards

Rui Garcês

I,ve heard the 805s through a lot of different kit, don,t think they justify their price, so it might be the speakers you can,t stand, demo them with other source to see if that is indeed the problem.


For many years I've dreaming of getting my hands on a pair of B&W 805S, inspired by all the excellent reviews on WhatHiFi. Living in Mozambique, you can imagine this task to be close to impossible.

Now that I finally managed to accomplish this dream, I am a little disappointed at the sound, especially regarding dynamics and life (musicality) of the resulting sound. The sound is indeed clear and integrated, but something is missing, making it dull and leading me to switch off and go to sleep, when I should be graciously enveloped and grabbed almost to the point of forgetting to go to bed.

The other parts of the system are a Plinius 9200 and a Denon DCD-510AE. I realize the CD player belongs to a lower league but before I embark on new ordeal sourcing for a new CD player, I have to make sure the problem resides there and that I choose the correct player. No second change. I read that the Cyrus CD8SE is very musical and it is a winner. Could this be the lacking piece?

Could you enlighten me with your expert advice and help me make the right choice?

Kind Regards

Rui Garcˆs


I think the Leema Antila would be a much better match with your amp. I've not heard any of your equipment nor the Leema CDP, but what Hi-fi? Sound & vision have commented on the synergy and sound quality on this below.
I'm with Andrew, a CD player upgrade would be the way to go. I'd plump for the Naim CD5i over the Cyrus, but, if you can afford it and if it is available in Mozambique, Copland. Another option would be the Marantz SA15S2.
I agree that a Naim CD player would pep things up, but I think the OP should aim higher - CD5XS minimum, but as much as budget will allow.
CD player defo got to go. One thing i have been aware of recently, is the difference between CD player's when paired with the same amp+speaker's.

Hence, i haven't bought another CD player....

Seek out a high end class rated player and you will hear the money spent,bargains everywhere, get hunting..

...why not look at the Plinius CD-101? If you want more of a bargain, the Rega Saturn is good value for money and is very musical.
Denon CD Players are very un-dynamic (if there is such a word) in my experience. Get a nice front end to match with your excellent gear. 🙂
Ouch. I feel your pain. I've never found the sound of B&W 805 or 804s for that matter to be lively or engaging. I think you'd have been much better off with a pair of CM1 or CM5s. They are much more engaging. I find them more musical and more fun to listen to over the 805s. The good news is that 805s have good resale value. I say cut your losses. You've got to find a way to demo other speakers.
I used to have a B&W 805s and never found it lacking in life so I concur with those above that the CD player is clearly letting your team down. I recently upgraded from a Rega Apollo (and a Cyrus CD6s before that) to a Naim CD5 XS and can recommend the Naim wholeheartedly.

The Apollo was bright and digital sounding, and the Naim was far far more natural and musical I know it's a cliche, but it allowed me to notice things that I had never heard before through the Apollo. It taught me two things - The quality of the source makes a helluva difference, and bright does not equal to detailed.

Before settling on the Naim, I also home auditioned a Marantz CD11S2 (which surprisingly also sounded bright and digital) and an Ayre CX-7eMP (dull and lacking in life).

While you're at it, make sure you have some good cables to link all your components together. I've found that even power cables have a big impact and can make your system sound dull or lively.
Stagea:Denon CD Players are very un-dynamic (if there is such a word) in my experience. Get a nice front end to match with your excellent gear. 🙂

to be fair the Denon cdps are decent. However, the OP has a sub £300 cdp with mid to high end gear. His system will sound completely different. I never realised how important the source is until a couple of years ago and I had a reminder recently.
Gerrardasnails:Stagea:Denon CD Players are very un-dynamic (if there is such a word) in my experience. Get a nice front end to match with your excellent gear. 🙂 to be fair the Denon cdps are decent. However, the OP has a sub £300 cdp with mid to high end gear. His system will sound completely different. I never realised how important the source is until a couple of years ago and I had a reminder recently.

"I never realised how important the source is until a couple of years ago and I had a reminder recently."

Yeah, let's just leave it there, Gerrardo...
Wadia 381(i) should do the trick. Also Super Nova disc player from Moon. Both will breath life, timing, dynamics, rhythym and a soundstage with confidence into your system.

For many years I've dreaming of getting my hands on a pair of B&W 805S, inspired by all the excellent reviews on WhatHiFi. Living in Mozambique, you can imagine this task to be close to impossible.

Now that I finally managed to accomplish this dream, I am a little disappointed at the sound, especially regarding dynamics and life (musicality) of the resulting sound. The sound is indeed clear and integrated, but something is missing, making it dull and leading me to switch off and go to sleep, when I should be graciously enveloped and grabbed almost to the point of forgetting to go to bed.

The other parts of the system are a Plinius 9200 and a Denon DCD-510AE. I realize the CD player belongs to a lower league but before I embark on new ordeal sourcing for a new CD player, I have to make sure the problem resides there and that I choose the correct player. No second change. I read that the Cyrus CD8SE is very musical and it is a winner. Could this be the lacking piece?

Could you enlighten me with your expert advice and help me make the right choice?

Kind Regards

Rui Garcˆs


How was the sound before you got the new speakers?
Trust me, a high end CD player won't fix it. Yes, of course it's an improvement, but it's not going to magically change the character of the B&W 805s.

I think you should check the whole set ,i.e. also your interconnects and speakers cables, which are not mentioned. These have a big impact. Specially interconnects influence dramatically.

Components are as good the current flow in your system.

regards from Germany

plastic penguin:
Gerrardasnails:Stagea:Denon CD Players are very un-dynamic (if there is such a word) in my experience. Get a nice front end to match with your excellent gear. 🙂 to be fair the Denon cdps are decent. However, the OP has a sub £300 cdp with mid to high end gear. His system will sound completely different. I never realised how important the source is until a couple of years ago and I had a reminder recently.

"I never realised how important the source is until a couple of years ago and I had a reminder recently."

Yeah, let's just leave it there, Gerrardo...

I thought you might like that!


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